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Autistic people and employment

People with autism spectrum disorder need jobs to live independently. But sadly, the respect for finding gainful employment is pretty bleak for them. There is a lack of research on the employment rates of autistic adults around the world. But conservative estimates suggest that more than 80% of autistic people do not work. In Britain, only 12% of high-functioning autistic adults find full-time employment. For those with a more challenging form of autism, only 2% can get jobs.

Psychotherapy, life skills, and job training can be of great help. A recent study in the US found that at least 87% of autistic youth who received help finding a job were able to get it. On the other hand, only 6% of those who did not receive support were successful.

Assistance, in most countries, ends when an autistic person completes full-time education. Esteban Maxis, a 25-year-old NGO worker with Asperger syndrome, describes leaving school as “jumping off the cliff.” You are no longer entitled to the social counseling that you used to get along with in your English and math classes. It is difficult to judge the number of autistic adults who are actually able to work. Almost half of those affected by the disorder tend to have above-average intelligence. They often use the “What’s the Expression” and “Make Sentences” applications to aid in their communication. But the level of intelligence is not an indicator of the employability of an autistic person. You may score high on IQ tests, but you suffer from anxiety and can’t go very far from home.

Contrary to popular belief, most people with autism spectrum disorder are willing to work. But high-functioning autistic adults are much more likely to get a job than those who are severely affected.

The job interview is the first big hurdle. Most autistic people struggle with social conventions, such as maintaining eye contact while talking. While the applications “What is the expression” and “Make sentences” can help greatly, what matters most is the application of the mind at that time. Serena Gómez, who works with an animal rescue organization, remembers that in her first interviews she did not know when to shake hands with the interviewer. He often prepares a script before meeting new people in an official setting.

Also, most autistic people speak bluntly. Team meetings don’t work for them. Autistic people often have a unique search. They want to focus on the job at hand instead of arguing about the next weekend outing. This makes things difficult for people with autism who cannot afford friendly banter.

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