Legal Law

IPv4 Vs IPv6 (advantages and disadvantages)

We can see the rapid growth of Internet users in recent years and this increase also creates challenges for Internet management groups, stakeholders, and service providers. Day by day the Internet infrastructure is expanding and we can even enjoy Internet service in remote towns and areas. Increased usage also increases online devices. In principle, the […]

Legal Law

Distributive justice

Ethical Problems in Business, A Philosophical Approach, 7th Edition by Thomas Donaldson, Patricia H. Werhane, and Margaret Cording. John Rawls article, Distributive Justice (p 193-203) When I first read John Rawls’s article on the concept of distributive justice, I felt that the principles seemed reasonable and I agreed with his basic ideals. However, I recognized […]

Legal Law

The three levels of planning

There are three levels of strategic planning: corporate, business, and functional. Strategy can be planned at each level, but plans for each level of an organization must be aligned to ensure maximum unity of effort. Without alignment, departments and functions will work cross-purposely and the overall corporate strategy will be less effective. This is how […]

Legal Law

Inch by inch is child’s play.

When I was in law school, I was already a well-known consultant, very busy professionally, and I often wondered, especially when reading the books, “Why am I submitting to this misery?” That’s when I remembered a saying I first heard from a customer: “Inch by inch is a piece of cake; Yard for hard, it’s […]

Legal Law

The history of craft beer is impressive

Today’s Ruhstaller beer depicts itself as a revival of the Ruhstaller Brewery of the late 1880s, both of which have a Sacramento beer and hop heritage. But the similarities between past and present continue with the strong commitment to locally sourced ingredients and quality. Today’s Ruhstaller’s has a California ingredient list that shows almost exclusively […]