Lifestyle Fashion

How Thyroid Disease Causes Digestive Problems

Most people think of weight problems or symptoms of fatigue when discussing thyroid disease. True, these symptoms are common, but there are also other symptoms that are commonly experienced. Digestive problems, in particular, are intertwined with the complicated body-wide effects of thyroid disease. Hypothyroidism can have a negative effect starting in the stomach. When thyroid […]

Lifestyle Fashion

Curried Cauliflower Cream Soup

Just like the fashion industry, the food industry has its trends. What is trending now? These veggies are turning heads: Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower. Recipes for these vegetables are popping up everywhere, on the Internet, in magazines, newspapers, and even in conversation. If you haven’t tried this trio before, you may be hesitant to […]

Lifestyle Fashion

paranormal investigation tools

Investigating the paranormal requires more than expensive tools. It takes the right mindset and attitude. Heart is also needed. I want to ask all of you paranormal ninjas a question. Who do you think was the first person to listen and EVP? I think the answer is Thomas Watson. Watson was the one who heard […]