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Law of Attraction: Your Survival Kit for a Purposeful Life

You may or may not have heard of the law of attraction. But even when you start trying to understand this natural law of the Universe, the secret is already revealed! You have been using it practically every day of your life.

Are you surprised? Do not be because if you look back and analyze everything you have achieved and experienced in your life so far, you will be able to see a connection between them and your personal attitude towards life. You would be surprised to discover that you have actually attracted some of the things that you currently have.

The law of attraction is based on the principle of “like attracts like” and attraction depends very much on your thoughts and emotions of any kind which then of course depend on your reactions to what happens next. Most of us, including you and me, have been conditioned throughout our educational years to possess dormant or smoldering fears buried deep in our subconscious minds. Unfortunately for the chosen few who spend a lot of energy worrying about them, these fears will eventually manifest in their lives at some point. If you can see how some of your fears have created life situations that are not in your favor, you will realize that you have the power to survive and turn your life in the opposite direction. And that is using the law of attraction as your survival kit!

Your thoughts and emotions are the fuel for your fears and the more you worry about them, the stronger they are to overwhelm you and become reality. Instead of using your thoughts and emotions to fuel the negative, why not use them as a source of energy for all your good intentions in life? Here is a list of items in the law of attraction survival kit that will help you turn your wishes into reality.

1. Embrace change and accept responsibility ~ take control of your life.

2. Find your life purpose ~ adds value to your life and is a road map of your inner being.

3. Activate the things you want in life by identifying your desire ~ clarity strengthens mindfulness.

4. Give your wish due attention ~ have a plan of action ready.

5. Reprogram your mind ~ clear your thoughts towards positive thinking and one of the best ways is to use positive affirmations every day.

6. Be grateful ~ appreciate all that you have created.

7. Have faith ~ the more doubts you remove, the more you will allow your desire to come to pass.

8. Enjoy the process of your everyday life ~ create beautiful happy memories to treasure long after you have achieved your desires.

9. Practice random acts of kindness ~ a random act of kindness is an expression of abundance. Dissolve your thoughts and feelings of lack.

10. Create and celebrate with the world ~ believing passionately is a conviction and the more you share it with others, the deeper your belief becomes.

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