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Piranhas and other carnivorous predatory fishes of the Amazon

The infamous piranha

The piranha is considered one of the most infamous predatory fish in the world. They are mainly found in the Amazon rainforest, but can also be fished in other countries, including:

  • Papua New Guinea
  • Bangladesh
  • porcelain

Occasionally, they have been discovered in freshwater in parts of the United States, although they are not indigenous to this region.

Piranhas are also eaten in countries where they can be fished. They live in the Orinoco and Amazon rivers and many tributaries of these two. They are generally found in Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, and Ecuador.

An aphrodisiac soup

Sometimes called “donkey castrators“In Brazil, there is an annual piranha fishing tournament in Brazil to help clear them from densely populated areas. Members of indigenous Amazonian tribes use their jaws as cutting tools or as scissors – piranha teeth are incredibly sharp. A simple touch can cut the meat clearly through An unusual tip: soup made from the heads is a scientifically proven aphrodisiac. Native Indian men have been known to have up to 25 children following a daily soup regimen. Of course, this also means that there may be three or more wives.

Piranha species and other predators

There are approximately thirty-five species in the Piranha family, although the exact number of species is disputed. Piranhas and their cousins ​​offer an exhilarating fishing experience and great food. The red-bellied piranhaPygocentrus nattereri), which can be found in aquariums and pet stores, is the best known and most feared, but not the most dangerous of the Piranhas. Some species are actually herbivorous, but they are not necessarily less dangerous. This is especially true when there is a feeding frenzy, during mating season, or if you fall rolling over in the water. That behavior can also attract other less desirable predatory species. Anacondas, river pythons, boas, eels, and crocodiles are instinctively drawn to a shock in the water. Furthermore, if there is blood in the water, it doesn’t have to be your blood, just the smell, like cleaning fish, is enough to precipitate a serious situation.

Pacu and Cachama

PacuColossoma macropomum) and his cousin, Cachama (Piaractus brachypomus), are commercially cultivated in Colombia and Venezuela. Many supermarkets sell them, some still alive. Fish usually have fatty meat, but they are tasty. A direct relative of Piranha, Pacu and Cachama are not dangerous unless you fall into the water where they are raised during mealtime, then things could get ugly quickly. “Pacus will eat anything“says Matthew Kane of Deep Sea World. Most people think that piranha species are small, but some can get so big that it takes both hands to lift one. Mainly they have a vegetarian diet of seeds and fruits. that fall into the water by branches. Species like Pacu Y Cachama, it can grow to nearly three feet long and weigh more than fifty pounds.

Piranha fishing

They are fun to fish, they fight like crazy when hooked on cut fish or meaty baits. They are attracted by noise, bumps in the water, and the smell of blood in the water. Otherwise they are quite calm and children can swim or women wash clothes and bathe in waters full of fish. Cattle, horses and other animals crossing a stream or river mass it can often give them a fit.

Live cut baits work best. Piranhas can take a big bite with their notoriously sharp, interlocking, triangular teeth, but the size of the hooks should be small as their mouths are not particularly wide. They will just rip the meat off the hook if the hook is too big. Once hooked, it is important that the fish enter quickly. Otherwise, the surrounding fish will attack the hook. Have you ever caught half of a fish because a shark bit the other half while you were rolling it up? Then you get the idea.

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