Health Fitness

Separate from the way things were

Separate yourself from how things were and make room for this new future. This lesson came through me when I released my attachment to material things (my furniture) and prepared to surrender to the possibility of something new.

This new landscape in which we find the pandemic that changes the way we live, work and socialize is full of lessons. The stress of the ever-changing environment comes from our being attached to the way things were. What if you could detach yourself in the old way and surrender to possibility and potential in the unknown? Or more importantly, are you willing to do it?

In a personal aspect of my life, I broke up and the result was quick and fantastic. I plan to practice detachment as a way to cope with the stress and changing landscape of this pandemic period. I hope you are also inspired with ways to detach, hoping to find something better.

Learn more in the short video below on the benefits of detachment:

Attachment has a very high cost. For example, not trusting, not feeling comfortable with the unknown, needing to know what or when something is going to happen, expecting things to go back to the way they were before, and many more unrealistic expectations. Within these concerns, we are attached to things working in a certain way, just as it had been with my furniture and the contents of so many files that I had been saving. What was, what used to be, is no longer. There is something better in this new future, many lessons in knowing what to keep and what to let go.

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