
Why a terracotta water filter is healthy

A terracotta water filter system is one way to ensure the availability of fresh, good-tasting drinking water. We humans take water, H2O, for granted, but it is everywhere, around us and within us. It makes up two-thirds of our weight. Therefore, it is important that we supply ourselves with sufficient quantities on a daily basis.

When we are dehydrated, that is, without a sufficient amount of water in our body, we do not function in the best way. For example, when we are slightly dehydrated, we experience effects such as difficulty with short-term memory, simple problems solving problems, and focusing our eyes. Symptoms of fatigue are often a sign of dehydration.

Every cell in our body requires water to function. Without it, the cells would stop working and consequently all the organs in our system would stop working and maybe even die. When someone says that they are dying of thirst, it is very possible that it happens!

Water lubricates our joints, maintains body temperature and metabolism. It is the basic element of blood, saliva, lymphatic system and cerebrospinal fluid. Helps the kidneys and intestines in the elimination of toxins. Because of this, sufficient daily intake of pure, clean H2O helps prevent disease.

Pure, clean water is refreshing to the body, both inside and out, and in some cases can lower cancer risks by a percentage. The problem is that what we drink must be completely free of contaminants. Since each type of industry has contributed in some way to pollution over the decades, various types of filters have appeared on the market.

When you think about your health, pure, clean H2O should be the primary consideration. Tap water in every city contains trace amounts of chemicals like chlorine and fluoride. The accumulation of these elements can become harmful over time to the human body.

Bottled water, which was supposed to have been the perfect solution, turned out to be one of the worst offenders in the final analysis. Not only have chemicals leached out of the plastic, but the plastic itself has added huge amounts of non-biodegradable and toxic waste to landfills.

Terracotta water filtration systems are perhaps the perfect solution for cleaning what we drink. These natural filters are made up of non-toxic products derived directly from the earth. Clay and terracotta have been used by mankind for millennia for this purpose.

Terracotta has been shaped and used for many things to suit mankind’s purpose, such as pots, drinking vessels, musical instruments, and filters. Some pottery and molding methods date back to Neolithic times and are still used today. This natural earth product is pleasant to work with, aesthetically pleasing, and beneficial to our health when used for filtering and cooling.

Terracotta or clay filters are safe and inexpensive. Some come equipped with silver filters to ensure sterilization and eliminate the presence of bacteria, mold, chemicals and microorganisms harmful to humans. Adding carbon filters to the mix ensures good-tasting, odorless, drinkable H2O.

A terracotta water filter keeps fluids approximately 10 to 15 degrees cooler than room temperature, which is a built-in advantage. This type of system is an efficient, attractive, economical and reliable way to ensure that what we drink is pure, healthy and delicious tasting.

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