
Win at Racquetball

Is it skill? Is it the team? Is it the strategy? What does it take to win at racquetball? Frankly, it’s probably a combination of all three, accompanied by a healthy competitive spirit.

While opinions vary as to how much emphasis should be placed on each of the aforementioned components, most players would agree that they all deserve serious consideration in order to excel in this sport.

Take skill, for example. Skill can be related to a player’s dexterity, strength, and ability to move rapidly forward, backward, or laterally. Good eyesight, quick reaction time, and exceptional judgment are also factors that determine the degree of skill a player possesses.

Equipment undoubtedly plays an important role in allowing a player to win in this sport. Modern technology has allowed numerous changes in racquet manufacturing. Subtle differences in racquet weight, frame shape, overall size, and concavity play a role. What about the gauge of the racket string? The gauge of the string ranges from 15 to 18 and determines the power and control with which the ball is struck. The gauge also influences the durability of the string. A racquetball glove also allows the player to maintain a better hand grip on his racquet. Plus, the ball itself does its part when it comes to winning at racquetball. The color of the ball generally determines how it was made in terms of speed, weight, and visibility.

While all the components are needed to be successful in racquetball, many experienced players would say that strategy is the most important thing. The ability to execute a quick serve at the correct target point puts the player at an advantage. On-court positioning allows for a quick comeback and catching your component off guard. Judging the final destination of a serve or return minimizes the run and preserves strength for future plays.

Knowing what it takes to win is one thing. Winning yourself is another. Armed with this information, what should you do? First of all, improve your skill by practicing, practicing and practicing. The more you train the muscles used while playing the game, the more you improve your ability to move quickly, react immediately, and judge appropriately. Since it all starts in the brain, training those neural pathways through use is the best way to improve your skill.

When it comes to equipment, do your research. Many reviews have been published that rate the quality of the rackets and the caliber and speed of the balls. Some of the more prominent racquetball equipment brands include Ektelon, Wilson, Python, Hi-tec, E-Force, Gearbox, HEAD, Pro Penn, Technifibre, and Ashawy. Of course, you should expect to pay more for those with the highest rating. However, do not minimize the role that team quality plays in winning in this sport.

As for strategy, this is also something that usually comes with time. Play with experienced players. Learn your techniques, then put them to use in your own game. Watch racquetball training videos. Read articles on strategies. While some individuals appear to have an innate ability to strategize quickly, most require considerable time to master this important facet of the game.

Now put together this winning combination of skill, equipment, and strategy. Combine that with your love of the sport and your healthy competitive spirit. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish on this six by twelve meter court. Yes, without a doubt, you can win at racquetball!

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