Health Fitness

Is Shaun T Madness going to rival P90X?

Many of you know Shaun T from his successful ab workout called Hip Hop Abs. Shaun T is now coming out with a new full body workout DVD called Insanity. Insanity takes exercise to a whole new level. Shaun brings all of his knowledge to you through a workout video that focuses on your entire body. Not just your abs like Hip Hop Abs.

The P90X has been the standard in the world of fitness DVDs for extremely effective and intense workouts. Tony Horton created the p90x system after years of personally training people and perfecting exercise movements to get you fit fast.

But now, will Shaun T’s Insanity workout give the P90X a run for its money?

The p90x is a 90-day workout, focusing on a technique called muscle confusion developed by Tony Horton. While Insanity is a 60-day workout that uses the Max Interval Training technique created by Shaun T. Muscle Confusion is a technique that uses different workouts targeting the same muscle group. When you exercise and plateau, it’s because you’re doing the same exercises for your muscles and your muscles get used to it and stop growing. Muscle Confusion eliminates plateaus by always changing the exercise style for that particular muscle group. Max Interval Training is a technique that Shaun T developed to deliver a high level of training 90% of the time and spend only 10% of the time warming up. When someone normally exercises, let’s say they go for a run, they will exercise at a moderate pace 90% of the time. They will run a certain distance and at the end of the race they will sprint to maximize the end of the workout. Max Interval Training changes that whole concept by changing it. Instead of moderate workouts 90% of the time, you’ll get high-energy, high-impact workouts 90% of the time and spend the last 10% warming up and sealing in your muscle growth.

The two exercises have very different paths to getting in shape, but they both have the same goal. That goal is to get people in the best shape of their lives. P90X has been tested for the last few years, but Insanity has all the potential to be just as effective. At this point, Insanity is a 60-day training plan. Will this change for the release date? We’ll see, but what most other training programs say will take you 3 months, Shaun T says Insanity can do in a third of the time. He also says that Insanity isn’t going to be for everyone, because it’s so intense.

Madness with Shaun T is not out yet. It will be out in the summer of 2009. Only time will tell if Shaun T’s new exercise techniques and styles will take him to the top of the home exercise DVD market.

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