Home Kitchen

restaurant service system

One main issue that needs to be addressed before deciding on a kitchen design is the way in which food will be delivered to guests. This is recognized as the service system. A large operation, such as a hotel, may have more than 1 service program running simultaneously: Fancy Table Service, Room Assistance, and Casual […]

Legal Law

Renaissance and neoclassical historical arts

The Renaissance is a cultural movement that began in Europe at the turn of the 14th to 17th century or a period between the classical and modern eras. More than its cultural essence, the Renaissance period was known for its developments in art, painting, philosophy, architecture, and other intellectual aspects. It was an era that […]

Shopping Product Reviews

Archon NES Game Review

Archon is a game that came out for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1989. It is one of the best non-sports multiplayer games made for the NES because of the replayability. Archon is like chess, but it definitely takes chess in a whole new direction. There is fantasy like chess pieces. However, instead of taking […]