Arts Entertainments

Foundry stones

Much has been written about Ken Lay’s life and death since he passed away earlier this week. For a long time I have made it a point not to sit around judging others, as it is very difficult to connect the dots correctly from afar. I believe that there are at least two sides to […]

Arts Entertainments

The rule of three in comedy

Have you ever seen a comedian, or a comedy troupe, repeat a little over and over and over again, until the blatant lack of grace was painful to watch? In recent years, that has almost become the norm, especially on shows like “Saturday Night Live.” If the comedy writers had known about the Rule of […]

Arts Entertainments

All is not lost, Mike Tyson

Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson still remains in my spirit not only as one of my great fighters, but also as a fond memory of my early days in the United States of America. In 1985, I embarked on a trip from the island of Jamaica to New York City. I had the opportunity to […]