Legal Law

Jesus is a remarkable person

Sometimes we forget how remarkable and radical Jesus was during his earthly life. He came and put the religious establishment in his ear. He shook people to their foundations and disturbed the status quo for him. No matter what unbelievers think about Christians these days, they are all impressed in one way or another with […]

Legal Law

History of rifle scopes

Our rifle scopes are most directly related to refracting telescopes, the first practical versions of which were seen around 1608 in the Netherlands. These first refracting telescopes are attributed to Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen, eyeglass makers, and Jacob Metius. We are probably most familiar with the name of Galileo Galilei, who learned of the […]

Legal Law

The delicious power of kiwi!

Piled up in the produce aisle of the grocery store, you may have noticed peculiar-looking hairy fruits with thick greenish-brown skin, each about the size of a lemon. When split open, their interior is bright green, although a sweeter, yellow-fleshed variety was also developed in the late 1990s. These native Chinese fruits, originally called “sunny […]

Legal Law

Review: Micromegas

Micromega. Voltaire, 1752. Short story. “But there was, unfortunately, a little animalcule in a square hat who interrupted all the other philosopher animalcules. He said he knew the secret: that everything would be found in the Summa of Saint Thomas. He looked at the two heavenly inhabitants and argued that his people , their worlds, […]

Legal Law

poetry appreciation

Many students are expected to write a literary essay based on appreciation of poetry. To make the task enjoyable, we need to define poetry. What is poetry? Edmund Clarence Stedman said the following: “Poetry is a rhythmic and imaginative language that expresses the invention, taste, thought, passion and perception of the human soul.” Poetry is […]

Legal Law

Author Joe Vitale – Biography

Joe Vitale is the author of several bestselling books on the law of attraction and marketing. For example, in 2007, he published The Power of Outrageous Marketing. At the end of 2008, he The Missing Secret on the shelves of its stores, and in 2010, The Secret to Attracting Money was published. His most recent […]