
Humorous Representation of Bad Values: A Review of the Adventures of Captain Underpants, by Dav Pilkey

George Beard and Harold Hutchins, the main characters in The Adventures of Captain Underpants, are pranksters of the highest order. In this installment of Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants series, George and Harold pull off a series of outrageous pranks at their elementary school soccer game. However, unknowingly, their evil headmaster, Mr. Krupp, has captured all […]


Tips for cooking grilled ribeye

I have some friends who get frustrated every time they grill ribeye. What are they complaining about? Well, they say that their dishes do not taste or resemble those served in restaurants. And I tell you that that is not a problem at all. Chefs have exhausted many years just to learn and perfect the […]