Tours Travel

Back in the chain gang

For many black and Hispanic youth living in urban communities, going to jail has become a badge of honor. This is a very puzzling phenomenon. The stigma of going to “juvenile” used to be embarrassing, now it’s a sign of being “tough” or “depressed.” Why have so many “minority” youths become so willing to “make […]

Tours Travel

Dried Potatoes and Gratin Recipe

For my part, I can make a very good breakfast with nothing but French fries. I know I’ve heard that fried foods aren’t good for me, but I still enjoy a bowl of those “greasy” potatoes whenever I can. I would like to pass on this dehydration recipe to site visitors as they easily get […]

Tours Travel

Traditional prospecting methods

I am not writing this article to criticize the traditional method of getting leads. It has obviously worked for many and is still used by most people in the MLM industry. I’m just saying that there are much more effective ways to build an MLM business in the modern age. I’ll explain why it’s important […]

Tours Travel

A magical day in a Deux-Chevaux

Many years ago, on a backpacking trip through Europe with a boyfriend, I was introduced to the Citroën 2CV or two horses. On a six week tour of various countries and historical sites, he took 90 photos of the cars and 10 of me, I think you can guess where the relationship ended. History aside, […]