Health Fitness

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar for weight loss at the wedding

The wedding bells are ringing, the cake has been ordered, there is only about a month left and you want to look amazing in your beautiful dress. With all the craziness and chaos that surrounds a wedding, there isn’t always a lot of extra time to exercise or try to lose weight before the big day. What can you do to make sure your tummy is flatter, your skin glows, and you’re a little lighter for the most exciting day of your life? You drink two cups of apple cider vinegar a day to lose your wedding weight in time for the big day. It requires no more time or attention than it takes to swallow it.

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight at Wedding?

ACV is apple cider vinegar. Most people don’t enjoy the taste of apple cider vinegar, but if you like, you can add it to eight ounces of 100 percent juice to mask the taste a bit. One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, when mixed with 8 ounces of water, twice a day can help you lose weight at the wedding. Vinegar burns fat and this will prevent you from absorbing some of the fat you eat on a daily basis. The ACV cleansing process can take anywhere from a few days to three weeks.

The really great thing about ACV is that it will do more for you than just give your scale a little relief. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to cure some allergies, lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and help with arthritis. Better yet, if you can’t get over the flavor no matter what, you can use orange cider vinegar instead. The citrus element can make it a bit easier to swallow.

With how many benefits there are and how little effort this method requires, be sure to grab some apple cider vinegar from the store today and prepare to take everyone’s breath away as you walk with a more beautiful and healthier bride.

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