
Gin Rummy Plus – More of a downside

If there’s one thing I particularly despise it’s when a software developer releases a half-finished product to market, with a bunch of features disabled, so you can earn some money and get some market share while doing the job it’s supposed to. . be doing – that is, FINISH THE GAME. Sadly, that’s the case […]

Legal Law

What is a stock broker?

Those wishing to buy or sell shares of publicly traded companies do so by hiring a stock broker. The broker receives a commission and, in some cases, a monthly fee for managing the account. When most people use the term “stock broker,” they are most likely referring to a stock broker. However, there are some […]


The meaning of gifts: a silk tie

Red roses mean love; yellow roses mean friendship; Earrings for a woman mean that she is cared for, but that he is not fully engaged; A teddy bear as a birthday present means the relationship is new and is the ‘safe’ option if you are still unsure of your feelings … the list goes on. […]

Legal Law

Thank you mr hunter

“Never play cards with a man named Doc.” ~ Jim Hunter, teacher I remember when girls were gross. They seemed to be unnecessary extras thrown in my adventurous childhood. Growing up in Tuolumne County, California, my life consisted of building forts, making spears, shooting air pistols, playing superheroes with my friends, and discovering new ways […]

Real Estate

Kiss of Death cell tower lease

The excitement of receiving a cell tower lease from a cell tower developer is quickly replaced in many cases once the owner realizes that the nice person talking to them doesn’t have their best interest in mind. They’re not interested in selecting the best site from a coverage and zoning perspective, they’re just looking for […]


The constants of human behavior

The constants in life are power and feeling. The changes in life are in the expressions that creatures find for these constants. That’s why I can feel love [or hate] and express it in different ways, but the fact that I feel love [or hate] it is a constant and ancient thing promised by the […]