
4 PC Muscle Exercise Secrets That Will Give You Porn Star Stamina Faster Than You Thought

The sexual benefits of a strong pubococcygeus muscle are varied. If you want better orgasms, shoot further, have full control over your erection, eradicate premature ejaculation, and have better urinary health, these can all be achieved with PC muscle exercises. If you want to know where your PC muscle is, if you try to stop the flow of urine in the middle of urinating, you are using your PC muscle. When you want to exercise the pubococcygeus muscle, make sure that all the other muscles around it are relaxed, such as the thighs, abs, and buttocks.

Session 1 Quickly squeeze and release ten times. Repeat two more times with a ten second rest in between. This time you must activate and release for five seconds. Ten sets of these with a five second rest. Now squeeze the pubococcygeus muscle for thirty seconds, repeat two more times with a thirty second rest in between. Do this every day for a week.

Session 2 Three sets of squeezing and releasing the PC muscle ten times. Three sets of squeezing and then releasing the PC muscle in first long, then short bursts for a count of ten. Ten series of activation and hold of the PC muscle for five seconds. A series of squeezing and holding the PC muscle, ideally for two minutes. Do this every day for a week. Remember to start slowly and build up. You can progress faster if you feel like it.

Session 3 Thirty sets of repeatedly squeezing and releasing the pubococcygeus muscle to a hundred or more. Making sure that you are only squeezing the pubococcygeus muscle, squeeze as hard as you can for twenty seconds. Do five sets with thirty-second rests in between.

Session 4 Begin by activating and releasing the PC muscle for two minutes daily. Increase up to twenty minutes three times a day. Try to do two hundred repetitions each session.

You can do these exercises anywhere and no one needs to know about it. Just don’t be too anxious, take it easy, listen to your body.

Will it be worth putting in all this effort? Well, it depends on whether you think having control over your own body is worth it. It all depends on your situation. How motivated are you? How much your sex life is affecting your relationship.

These exercises can be done with minimal intervention in your life. No one knows you’re doing them, and it could have a dramatic effect on your enjoyment of life and your partner’s enjoyment of life.

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