Health Fitness

5 ways to stop neuropathy pain

If you have diabetes, your feet may hurt. Neuropathy is a common side effect. Just like its ability to reverse diabetes, it has the ability to reverse neuropathy. Is not easy. It takes time, dedication, and a strict policy to make sure you don’t cause more damage.

Neuropathy is a side effect of diabetes. The nerve cells in our body are extremely vulnerable to sugar. Sugar is a poison for nerve cells. It strips the nerves of the myelin sheath that protects them. Without this covering, nerves are exposed to any and all toxins or oxidative effects in the body. That’s why it hurts.

When you make the decision to get rid of your diabetes and neuropathy, then you can begin to make the changes that really matter.

  1. Stop eating sugar – Sugars and excess insulin damage nerve cells. The first part of the repair is to stop the damage. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, or starchy foods like breads, pastas, and white potatoes.

  2. Hydrate: You can’t flush out toxins without water. You increase your damage by not drinking. Get your blood and lymph moving properly by drinking water. You will find that many problems go away simply by drinking more. Oh, and sodas, alcohol, juices, and coffees don’t count as water.

  3. Eat nerve-healing foods: Bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, garlic, and green leafy vegetables contain many nutrients that help our bodies heal. They are low in carbohydrates, so you can eat a lot of them. Rich phytonutrients that you can’t find in supplements or boxed foods help reverse damage and prevent dangerous diseases, like cancer.

  4. Eat nerve-healing herbs: Many herbs do wonders to help us heal. Turmeric, ginger, and garlic are herbs known to aid healing. Don’t waste your money on expensive supplements, they rarely work. Stick to whole foods and you’ll reap all the health benefits.

  5. Exercise! You have to move and stand if you are going to heal damage. Start with a few minutes of easy walking, then add more and more as your body repairs itself.

Until the moment we die, we have the ability to heal. Getting old is inevitable. Being weak is a choice.

All of these tips can be used for anyone at risk for diabetes and/or neuropathy. They can prevent damage from occurring.

Of course, if you go back to doing what caused the original damage (eating too much sugar), your body will return to pain and disease.

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