Legal Law

7 reasons why firefighters need to find a second job

Firefighters beware! Politicians are coming to balance their budget from their home and family. It is no secret that firefighters need to get more involved in the political world to fight for rights and benefits that others from previous generations have fought for and won. Now, when times are tough, politicians are looking for pensions, salaries and benefits. Stations are closing and the workload is increasing. Basically, firefighters are going to work harder for less.

That’s not to say that firefighters still don’t have good benefits. So why would you say firefighters need to find a second job? Read on to discover the top 7 reasons why firefighters should consider a second job.

7) Training, training and more training. Being a firefighter is literally an all risk job. About the only thing they don’t do is shoot people. Even then, firefighters can get caught in the way of those situations. By finding a second job, you can become an expert in something other than firefighting. A lot of firefighters are contractors or climbers or whatever. These people can conduct small training sessions in their area of ​​expertise that they are interested in and that can help other firefighters if they ever have to deal with a problem with those topics. Or they can apply their area of ​​expertise to help the department or staff.

6) Have something to look forward to with retirement around the corner is crucial. Just as new firefighters have to worry about getting fired, older firefighters need to find an outlet other than work that gives them something to look forward to. Also, many retirees don’t retire with their entire paycheck, so they too are looking to live on less income…a fixed income. They may not need a second job, but it’s an option, instead of making calls until age 60.

5) Say goodbye to overtime. Many departments may already be at this point due to many cuts, however there are other departments that have had a hiring freeze, meaning terms are up and overtime is plentiful. The problem is that if departments start closing stations (which they are doing) or shutting down equipment (which they are doing), the overtime disappears. And many firefighters have gotten used to that little extra income, and it will start to wear off.

4) Some firefighters may need have some extra skills in case the “L” word is used. For the most part, politicians aren’t dumb enough to fire firefighters, but that hasn’t stopped them from firing cops and sheriffs, and if things don’t improve, they’ll start closing more stations and start laying off firefighters. The new hires will be the ones that are expendable.

3) Firefighters are probably going to having to take a pay cut, foregoing some benefits, paying more for retirement or medical benefits… or something like that. In some cases, a couple of these scenarios can be considered. Firefighters enjoyed several years of good contracts, many with lots of overtime and hiring. Today, management and politicians are trying to save themselves and are looking for solutions. In the end, a take-home check from firefighters is going to be less than in the past, at precisely the wrong time in this economic world.

2) By studying and learning another subject other than firefighting, you can find a way out that help you mentally deal with the job of a firefighter. Obviously, during the first few years, firefighters should learn as much as they can and should continue throughout their career. However, opening a book on woodworking, computer programming, or how to start selling quilts online can help them take their minds off some of the things they have to deal with. Everyone needs an outlet, and a firefighter’s work schedule can allow them to learn another skill and have a second job that is interesting, lucrative, and most of all, a stress reliever.

one) Firefighters should have a backup plan for injuries. It doesn’t matter if you’re on your first call or your last, the possibility of a life-changing, debilitating injury is always present. It doesn’t take much to burst a puck, twist a knee, or tear a shoulder…among other injuries. Along with that, there are communicable diseases that can leave someone forever. There is workers compensation and other insurance, but with the way things are these days, covered with attorneys, it’s best to have things lined up for yourself. Our health is the most important thing we have, and it is put at stake every day. It’s time for firefighters to make sure they’re financially prepared, too, just in case.

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