Lifestyle Fashion

8 easy but effective tips for beautiful and healthy skin

The time has come when annoying commercials for whitening creams and powders should end and people should care about glowing, beautiful and healthy skin. So instead of running after whiteness and white skin tone, let’s break the stereotype and find out how to have beautiful, healthy skin. Beautiful skin should be radiant, fresh, healthy, and even-toned. Here are some easy ways and tips for beautiful skin.

makeup and bed

The first and most important thing that you should always keep in mind is that you never sleep with your makeup on. Makeup clogs the skin and makes it unable to breathe, leading to skin problems like acne, pimples, dark spots, uneven skin tone, etc. Therefore, it is important to remove your makeup before bed and try to use oils instead of makeup removers.

sun kiss

Sun Kiss sounds beautiful, but it is very harmful to your skin. The sun can damage your skin and make it unhealthy. Therefore, it is very important to avoid going outside during peak hours and if you can’t, always use your sunscreen with SPF 30 minimum. If you must be in the field, wear light clothing that covers most of your skin. Skin exposure causes tanning, wrinkles, dark spots, age spots, and other skin problems.

eat healthy to look beautiful

Once again, one of the best tips for beautiful skin is to eat healthy. According to an old adage, it is said that you are what you eat. Therefore, eat healthy and avoid junk food. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals and protein are good for the skin, while sugary, oily, fried, spicy and unhealthy foods lead to pimples, acne and other skin problems.

Drinking water

The easiest and simplest way to have beautiful skin is to drink plenty of water. Water helps you stay healthy and makes your skin look fresh, radiant and glowing as water flushes out all toxins from the body. You should drink at least 8-12 glasses of water a day. Water based fruits and vegetables also help you in the same way.

Appropriate sleeping

We all hear about beauty sleep being really effective and one of the best tips for beautiful skin. Adequate and deep sleep of 8 hours makes your skin healthy, glowing, reduces dark circles, eye puffiness and heals damaged skin cells. Plus, enjoy the ‘before bed’ beauty regimen of cleansing and moisturizing for healthy, beautiful skin.

training and exercise

Workouts and exercises are not only good for the body but also lead to beautiful glowing skin. When we exercise we sweat, sweating helps remove all dirt, dust and toxins from the skin and body, giving you a radiant skin tone and glow. Exercise, yoga, jogging or any other exercise also improves blood circulation and speeds up the body’s natural cleansing process.

Tension, stress are enemies

Stress and tension are the worst enemies of beautiful skin. Stress leads to age spots, breakouts, wrinkles, puffy eyes, dark circles, and dull skin. When the stress hormone cortisol increases, the skin becomes oily. So try to be happy and also practice yoga, breathing exercises and meditation to de-stress.

Home remedies

Tips for beautiful skin are incomplete without the best treatments found in your kitchen that every Indian lady has been using for years. Milk, turmeric, sandalwood, honey, lemon, rose water, fuller’s earth, fruits, vegetables, yogurt, etc. It always helps you get beautiful skin. You need to make amazing cleansers, face masks, scrubs with these ingredients for your skin and see the magic.

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