
8 Guaranteed "Foolproof" Ways to train boxer dogs!

Yes! It’s true, these ways are guaranteed to work, and they don’t involve jumping through hoops or thousands of dollars. Isn’t it amazing? People spend thousands and thousands of dollars each year on fancy classes, videos, books, etc. While they are all great resources, I find it interesting that the absolutely guaranteed and foolproof methods cost little to nothing, and are very simple to implement! These are the safe and never fail ways to train boxer dogs:

1. First, check your own behavior. Isn’t it hilarious that the number one and most important “secret” is to train ourselves first? say oh! It sounds funny, but it’s 100% true and should be taken completely seriously. In order to properly begin training our beloved boxers, we must first ensure that we maintain a positive attitude and maintain an easy-going energy that garners their respect, and therefore makes them reciprocate in kind.

Therefore, park it in the Zen zone! Absolutely NO punching, yelling or kicking your boxer. I am scolding you now, there is absolutely no flexibility in this :-). DO NOT rub your boxer’s nose on his own poop. Your dog can only notice your behavior, not your words.

Intentionally or not, your dog will respond to his own behavior and therefore respond in kind. This rule never, EVER fails.

In other words, your dog will simply pick up on your energy and return that same energy back to you. What you are looking for here is mutual respect between you and your pet. Dogs, particularly boxers, are very sensitive to the energy you emit. You MUST stay calm and control your emotions at ALL times.

Would you believe that I NEVER have to raise my voice for my boxer to follow my command? It’s so true. I make sure I’m calm and in command, and only then do I continue on with my goal. This technique works so well that when you focus on a specific training goal, for example, preventing your pup from eating his own poop,

  • You will be stress free during the training process.
  • Your calm will also reassure your boxer and there will be more cooperation.
  • You will achieve your goals faster.

What more could you want!?

2. Understand your dog’s personality. Make sure you are familiar with the history of the Boxer breed, of course. But, his boxer has his own individual personality and quirks that make him so special and unique. Get to know him or her. Don’t just pay attention to what they do wrong, but see the whole circle of his personality.

Also, believe in your dog and his inherent goodness! He understands what makes him happy, what makes him sad. Take note of when your unwanted behavior occurs and any unusual circumstances that may have triggered the behavior. This is critical: understanding the intent BEHIND your behavior. For example, if you jump on your visitors every time they approach, check your attitude. Is it happy to see them? Is it just trying to play?

This is helpful because while you apply the tried and true training technique for this specific behavior, you apply it with understanding. Your insight will ease tensions between the two of you as you learn to curb your unwanted behavior.

3. YOU must be the best dog! You must be in command, or, er… the “Top Dog”, absolutely at all times. So make sure you have your attention when you need it. There is an easy way to do this. Simply reward your dog with a tasty treat when you’ve got his attention. This method works! Guaranteed! He’ll be the most attentive little love you’ve ever seen!

Also, be sure to conduct yourself in a mature “Top Dog” manner at all times, including during playtime, or when giving your boxer lots of affection.

4. Don’t depend on fancy gadgets. Forget using expensive gadgets or ‘electronic collars’ as a substitute for true discipline and consistency. You will be very disappointed in these fancy devices and you will have wasted your money if you find yourself using them to replace the real lead. While these devices can be helpful, you need to focus on your relationship with the boxer.

5. Take your goal of training boxer dogs very seriously. Take advice from experts who KNOW how to achieve these goals. Don’t take advice from people who don’t even have a boxer! If you have a very specific problem with your boxer, such as how to properly train your boxer puppy, make sure your resource uses guaranteed, foolproof ways to address this, and they should be VERY specific.

  • For example, they should be able to give you concrete advice on:
  • How to start training boxers of all ages, whether it’s a 1 month old puppy or a 10 year old in his own way.
  • How to prevent separation anxiety.
  • How to stop your boxer from jumping on you, your family and perfect strangers!
  • How to stop your dog from running out the front door.
  • How to get your boxer to walk on a leash and by your side without throwing you down the street.
  • How to potty train your boxer to prevent him from urinating and destroying your carpet and furniture.
  • How to properly crate train your boxer puppy.
  • How you can make your boxer obey your every command.
  • Prevent your boxer from barking excessively at night.
  • Prevent boxing from biting and biting.
  • Stop your boxer from eating his own poop.
  • Stop aggressive behavior in general.
  • Also, they should give you an easy-to-use schedule for these achievements. For example, a simple method to potty train your boxer in just 15 minutes per day.
  • They should have a true understanding of boxer dog temperament and personality traits. In addition, they must know the history of the boxer breed.

6. Set aside a little time each day. Even if it’s just 10 or 15 minutes a day, this sets the tone for both you and your boxer that this workout is important. The boxer begins to understand that winning is a serious goal as they see their consistency. Also, he will achieve his results much faster using this method of consistency, rather than a little here or a little there.

Remember, you want to keep your dog’s focus on implementing a behavior change that has been slow to establish or has never been corrected. So 20 minutes per day is much better than, say, 4 hours every other weekend to keep your focus on correcting unwanted behavior.

7. Be consistent! Praise your boxer when he does something right, but give him a severe reprimand when he disobeys or does something wrong. The key here is to reward the same behavior consistently, over and over again, and reprimand unwanted behavior constitutively. Your goal is to leave absolutely no confusion on the part of your boxer.

8. You MUST use “tried and true” methods to curb very specific habits. For example, how to get your boxer to walk with you in public without a leash (This is great! I don’t know who is more proud when we do this, me or my dog!). Why would you try to guess how to stop this behavior?

  • Also, don’t waste your money and precious time following boxer training methods that are given off the cuff, or by those who only offer their fancy gadgets for purchase.
  • Don’t take no for an answer, and don’t relax your expectations when it comes to training your boxer. You and your dog deserve to have the proper understanding between them. Expect only the best results!
  • Finally, it’s absolutely critical to your dog’s well-being (and your sanity, for that matter) that you follow step-by-step instructions that are guaranteed to work for your specific task. So find guaranteed, solid, step-by-step instructions for a very specific type of habit you’re trying to break.

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