Tours Travel

A step by step guide on how to build a catapult

A catapult is a device used to launch a long distance without using explosive energy. During primitive times, the catapult was used as a weapon in times of war. It has its origin in Greece and was used by both the Greeks and the Romans in warfare. Its objective is to disable the armies of the opposing force and it was used in trenches during the First World War.

Are you looking to build one for yourself? Keep in mind that learning to build a catapult is not something easy and practical. But if you’re interested in building one, there are plenty of variations to build it. You can try building a small model first, and then use your imagination to build a larger one with more parts.

Without further farewell, here are the steps to build a catapult.

A catapult consists of three parts, namely the swinger, the base, and the anchor. Once you’ve learned how to build a catapult, you’ll realize that each of these components needs to be built. To begin with, start with the construction of the base.

Building the base is easy. With a piece of wood or PVC pipe, make a rectangular formation. Make sure the pipe or wood is really steady. The stability of your catapult will largely depend on the firmness of the base.

After the base, you need to build the swinger. This is the part responsible for launching an object into a projectile. Determine how far you want to launch the projectile, then cut the sticks and pipes. You need to build a frame, which will serve as an anchor for the swinger. For the frame, you need to connect two sticks at a 45-degree angle at either corner of one end of the rectangular base. Similarly, they need to be insured.

To secure the formation, take two sticks and close the open part and secure them at the base. This will result in a triangular shape at one end of the base. Repeat the same procedure for the other end. When the triangle shape is in place, connect its top ends with a stick. Indicate the center section of this stick as the spot where the swinger will stand.

Using a plastic string, connect one end of the base to the other. Drill a hole on each side of the base adjacent to the stick to connect the triangle frames. Insert the string through the holes and connect the swinger with the string as well. The swinger must form a right angle with the base. Once you’ve learned the basics of how to build a catapult, creating your own variation of a catapult will be second nature to you.

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