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Approximate prices of diamonds

Rough diamond prices are influenced by a few main criteria. The location of the transaction influences the prices of rough diamonds, i.e. Europe, Africa, US, CIS or other countries or locations. The location of the physical transfer of such diamonds also influences how rough diamond prices are recorded. It also depends on the methodology adopted to make the payment, whether in cash, bank transfer, cash on delivery, etc. The costs covered to buy rough diamonds influence the price at which they are sold. These costs include travel, hotel, negotiations, etc. Finally, the crystal structure of diamonds determines the price of rough diamonds. Knowledge of the basic structures of the diamonds to be sold is imperative. The structures are based on the stone, the forms, the indentations, the planes and the spots.

A very reliable method of determining the crystal structure classification of rough diamonds would involve purchase price calculations, because obviously all forms of crystalline diamonds do not produce the same performance. The stone structure of the rough diamond yields 50 percent of the finished product, the structure shape makes up 45 percent, the split structure makes up 35 percent, the macles structure makes up 28 percent, and the structure of the plans is equal to 25 percent of the finished product. Each diamond table for each category of diamonds will give the information about the weight of the rough diamond, a picture of the crystal structure, an overview of the crystal structure of the diamond, the number of finished stones, the maximum values ​​per carat. for a rough diamond, the calculated weight of the rough and polished diamond, the scale of color and clarity.

There are five categories of shapes: Sawn 1, Sawn 2, Stain 1, Machinable 2, and Flat. Sawable One is a very well rounded octahedron or dodecahedron that will produce two polished stones, with a recovery weight of 50% or more. Sawable Two is a slightly irregular octahedron, or a dodecahedron, or a normally shaped octahedron, and will produce two polished stones, giving a recovery weight of 46% or more, but less than 50%. Makeable One displays an irregular octa / dodecahedron that will produce a polished stone with a recovery weight of 40% or more. Makeable Two is a less determinably shaped indentation that will produce a polished stone with a recovery weight of 35% or more. Flats represent stones with a recovery weight of 28% or more, but less than 35%.

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