
Are you still using JavaScript HTML and CSS?

Are you still using JavaScript HTML and CSS? Well, it’s time to upgrade! Explore React JS, the brainchild of the remarkable team at Facebook. Let’s dig into what it is.

Today, full-stack technology is all the rage. React is a crucial part of this technology. React JS is an open source JavaScript library that helps build user interfaces primarily for single page applications. Getting a lightweight, SEO friendly and fast loading single page app is no longer a burden using React JS. Web applications built with React are not only fully functional but also visually appealing.

Get in touch with an efficient and reliable team and take advantage of interactive user interface, native mobile app development, custom component and many other things.

Why choose ReactJS?

Are you looking for options to create simple, scalable and fast web applications? Opt for React only to take advantage of the best services. Why? keep reading

  • easy learning curve

Do you already have the basic knowledge to work with CSS and HTML? Relax. Then it will not be difficult for you to learn this new technology. This language mainly deals with the view layer only. Ember and Angular are generally popular as domain-specific languages ​​that are not that easy to learn. Therefore, having a comparatively easier and faster learning curve, this language is quite popular among developers all over the world.

  • clean abstraction

This is one of the awesome features of React JS. You don’t have to follow or learn any special architecture (such as MVVM or MVC) to create a new application with this language. Simply understand component lifecycles, fixtures, and states, and you can easily master the React JS language to get your work done. Build the application architecture the way you want.

  • reusable components

Components are like Lego pieces, and React JS is a component-based language. Each part of the components works following its own internal logic. How is this beneficial for developers? Well, this approach allows you to reuse these components. Obviously, this also includes code reuse. Now, when developers can reuse the code base, it becomes extremely easy to not only manage code, but also grow.

  • the data link

This language uses a special FLUX architecture to control the flow of data to components through a single control point called a dispatcher. With the help of this one-way data binding feature, debugging of all stand-alone components of ReactJS-wide applications becomes easier.

Mentioning all the intriguing features within this short span is really impossible. However, in addition to all the persuasive reasons mentioned above, ReactJS is simple, high-performance, uses a native approach, has great tools for testing applications, and much more. So, if you are planning to build a world-class single page or large app, you can go for this development platform.

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