Health Fitness

Caffeine Sensitivity: How You Can Control It

What leads to caffeine sensitivity?

Caffeine sensitivity depends on our genetics. It is the structure of the DNA in our body that determines how much caffeine your body can process and metabolize. Whether you have a fetish for coffee, tea, cola, or chocolate, you’re actually consuming caffeine along with the other ingredients in these foods.

Caffeine forces the adrenal glands to produce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. While you may wake up and be alert due to this reaction, your friend may start to feel excessively nervous with a faster heartbeat. Many people take this drug to increase their concentration level. I know a friend who used to consume at least 2-4 cups of coffee a day to stay awake and study late into the night. She never felt any discomfort from caffeine consumption, but there are many who if they consume more than one cup of her favorite coffee they feel uncomfortable and literally shaken. They experience a rapid pulse, rapid breathing, and muscle tension. These people also feel restless, shaky, nervous, irritable, anxious and restless at times.

For hundreds of years, this drug has stimulated a person’s mind and provided the extra energy needed to hunt animals for food. I once interviewed some athletes in my hometown who have a lot of good things to say about caffeine. They said they feel driven to do even better. However, a handful of them mentioned that consuming more than 500 mg of coffee a day made their heart beat faster. Some of them also suffered from insomnia. However, multiple studies have confirmed one thing: Caffeine helps an athlete excel in performance and be successful.

Another very important aspect is that the more caffeine you consume, the higher your tolerance level will be. Naturally, those of you who prefer coffee over anything else will get more used to this beverage compared to those who drink caffeinated beverages occasionally. As you continue to drink caffeinated beverages, your response begins to decline. According to experts, this is a normal process, since the body’s cells get used to this drug and respond less and less as more caffeine is consumed.

To get rid of all sorts of unwanted health problems, doctors say it’s best to control your caffeine intake. For example, ideally each human being should ingest only about 300 mg per day. You should drink coffee, tea, or cola only when you need to be alert. For most people, the ideal time to consume caffeine is early in the morning to keep fit throughout the day.

Caffeine Sensitivity Levels

Based on various research and data analysis, there are three levels of sensitivity to caffeine:

1. Hypersensitivity

2. normal sensitivity

3. Hyposensitivity

You have a high sensitivity to caffeine if you feel nervous, dizzy, start to sweat excessively, or feel restless after immediate consumption of caffeinated foods or beverages. Even consumption of 100 mg and less affects these people. Instead, you can enjoy a cup or two of green or black tea to keep you healthy and energized.

Normal sensitive people have no negative effects even after consuming 200 to 400 mg (two to four cups) of coffee per day. However, if they consume more than 400 mg, they may develop insomnia, nervousness, increased heartbeat, and palpitations.

You have caffeine hyposensitivity if even after drinking more than 500 mg of caffeinated beverages every day, you still feel strong without any health problems. You have no trouble sleeping at virtually any time of the day or night. However, you may experience a reaction, including apprehension, nervousness, upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, high blood pressure, etc. if you continue to use the medicine completely.

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