Arts Entertainments

Grow incense in the backyard

If you’re interested in growing your own homegrown incense, right in your backyard, then there are two plants in particular that are absolutely ideal. The first is the sweet herb or Hierochloe odorata. Sweetgrass grows primarily in Canada, however you can also find it sprouting up in Northern Europe. Sweetgrass has a vanilla-like scent and […]

Arts Entertainments

Why We Love Mike Tyson

First of all, you may not love Mike Tyson, okay, but it would be hard to say you don’t love greatness. I think a part of all of us wants to see greatness in action, especially in sports. We are inspired by guys like Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Tiger Woods, Wayne Gretzky, Roger Federer, Usain […]

Arts Entertainments

Britney goes bald

Hollywood stardom has taken its toll on Britney Spears. Being popular at a young age, achieving success early in life, and then going through various traumatic experiences can be really detrimental to your personality. Poor lady, she has been harshly criticized by audiences around the world since she got married in Las Vegas which lasted […]