
Change management at the unit output management level

Most MBA classes focus on change management at the Corporate Board Room and CEO level, and yet for each corporate board of directors there may be hundreds or even thousands of outlets and subdivisions. Change management cycles are equally important to same-store sales, company profits, and unit-level efficiencies.

If the store’s point-of-sale level management and team members don’t work together, the store is not efficient, sales are sluggish, and the system breaks down. If, on the other hand, at the store level everything runs smoothly in all stores, then the members of the Corporate Board seem like geniuses, take all the credit, retire on the golf course and write a management book.

In fact, people at the corporate level are partly to thank or blame for management at the unit or store level, and yet without proper training and teamwork at that level, nothing good will happen and customers will know it. and sales will also fall.

The objectives and conditions, along with the mission statements, should be established and agreed upon through a verbal, written and social contract between the managers, assistant managers, shift managers and team leaders of each department in each store or point of sale. sale. If not, the system breaks down and everyone loses, especially the shareholders. Consider all of this in 2006.

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