
Chlorinated Water and Milk

Drink your milk, it’s good for you. At least that’s what the dairy industry wants you to believe. Milk contains casein, which is a glue-like substance that is actually used by some manufacturers in the glue industry to make powerful adhesives. Guess what it does to your body? And, in the presence of chlorine, the effect on the arteries, veins, and digestive system is a clogging and gummy mess.

Federal government regulations require treatment of water delivered to homes from lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. Chlorine is the treatment of choice. It is an industrial waste product that they have to dispose of somehow. About three quarters of all homes have chlorinated water coming out of their taps. Chlorine helps kill waterborne infectious diseases, but it does not kill parasites such as Cryptosporidium and can cause serious harm to people who drink it and more serious harm to pregnant women.

If dairy processors clean their hoses with chlorinated water, the inside of the hose becomes covered with a thick gummy layer of yellow grime. The similarity to arterial plaque is uncanny. If you look at the segments of the population that drink milk and are exposed to chlorinated water, the statistics are staggering. Parents encourage children to drink milk. Other demographics are also encouraged to drink milk: pregnant women, athletes, people at risk of bone loss, and the list goes on.

Studies conducted with young rats and roosters, feeding them chlorinated water with or without milk, both produced arterial plaque. Higher concentrations of chlorine in the water produced higher levels of plaque that clogs blood vessels. Some studies added milk to the mix with even more dramatic results and higher plaque levels.

This information is not new. On July 11, 1992, the CBS program “Sixty Minutes” showed the results of experiments with two laboratory rats fed standard rat chow and chlorinated water. One of the groups of rats had also been fed pasteurized and homogenized milk. The “milk-fed” rats had high levels of arterial clogging, the others did not.

The young roosters, less than one year old, were delivered divided into two groups by Dr. JM Price. One group received chlorinated water, the other group received non-chlorinated water. Needless to say, the chlorine-treated group rapidly developed arterial plaque, and the higher the chlorine concentration, the thicker and stickier the plaque.

Chlorine is very acidic to the body, just like milk. But chlorine alone is responsible for the long-term risk of excessive free radical formation that causes the body to age, as well as causing cell damage and genetic mutation. Your genes are essential for a healthy life. Chlorine, through its genetic mutation capabilities, promotes cancer development, cholesterol metabolism difficulties, including the destruction of essential fatty acids in the body. It also promotes atherosclerosis and hardening of the arteries. Combine bleach with milk and you have a ticking time bomb.

In an alarming study, autopsies performed on babies who died in their first month outside the womb, who lived in a city with highly chlorinated water, showed that of nearly 200 consecutive deaths, 96 percent of them showed advanced arterial damage. Two of those babies’ coronary arteries were blocked, leading to infant heart attacks. Could it be chlorine, like in young roosters? We feed our babies milk and sometimes powder, mixed with chlorinated water from our tap.

Since both chlorinated water and milk are acidic to the body, they create all kinds of free radical damage. But as sure as the sun rises in the east, there is a solution. Since we can’t get local governments to remove chlorine from your water, you can do it yourself. One of those filter pitchers you can buy is effective at removing chlorine, but it takes away everything else, including dissolved minerals. This results in more acidic water that is equally unhealthy.

Reverse osmosis water is prohibited for drinking in Europe. It has a skull and crossbones on the label, which also says, do not feed to pets. It is very hungry water and will draw minerals from your organs, bones and teeth to balance it in your body. It’s no wonder that osteoporosis, diabetes, and dental problems are endemic in North America.

So what is the solution? Alkaline water, ionized. The machine has two filters. All large particulate matter is removed along with chlorine and chlorine by-products. The other one gets the stuff out and has the filtering capacity of a kidney dialysis machine, 0.01 microns. So it removes all the parasites and other swimming tidbits.

Alkaline and ionized water adds vital minerals, alkalizing the water to counteract the acidity in what you eat and drink, like milk. The machine reduces the size of the cluster so that it is absorbed and hydrated 6 times more easily than other waters or other drinks. Make your tea and coffee with this water, to counteract more acidity.

Alkaline and ionized water is H2O, divided in an electrolysis process into H+ and OH-. H+ is the acidic component that is expelled through the waste pipe. Chlorine and other contaminants bind to H+ because they are all acids. They go down the waste tube together. OH- is full of negative ions that the body loves. These negative ions remove some of the free radicals, donating electrons to them, rendering them harmless. Drinking this water acts as an antioxidant in the body. Chlorine destroys the antioxidant qualities of vitamin E, making it ineffective in the body, so drink alkaline and ionized water with your vitamin E, accelerating its effects in the body, making the vitamin more efficient.

As the water passes through the machine components, it fills with tiny oxygen bubbles. This provides the body with more available oxygen in addition to the air you breathe. It makes things work more efficiently, especially your muscles and your brain.

So drink your alkaline, ionized water and your milk. If you are a milk drinker, alkaline and ionized water will begin to reverse the damage caused by combining chlorine with milk. It will put your body into an efficient repair mode that will take years off your life and leave you feeling fabulous. It will even begin to restore the loss of minerals your body has experienced from being too acidic.

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