
Common Naughty Kitten Behavior – How to Discipline a Kitten

Kittens are without a doubt one of the loveliest pets we can have, providing us with plenty of entertainment as they frolic and play, get into mischief and some downright silly situations. It is the disease that worries many owners, and they feel that they must control it in some way.

Animal experts, including veterinarians, are often bombarded with questions from pet owners about how to “discipline” their new kitty. Some of the more disturbing comments include references to spanking the poor little things!

Perhaps because humans are generally raised with a discipline that often translates into a system of reward and punishment, they believe it applies to animals like children.

Reward and punishment are rapidly losing their acceptability in a good training environment, however people are beginning to notice that it is less effective with animals. For that to be useful at all, the subject must have the ability to learn to make judgments about her own behavior. This requires the ability to use logic and spend time thinking about things. Animals don’t do this. They live in the moment, in the “now.” Yes, they can remember that certain actions produce certain results and they can learn from that. But if we’re supposed to be smarter than animals, it’s up to us to be the ones to use logic and think things through.

Physical force, including spanking, should NEVER be used on a kitten. It is simply not necessary and can cause injury, sometimes death. In fact, it is never necessary to hit any pet. Try using a reward vs. there is no reward system in place.

The following common mischievous kitten behaviors can be easily managed with care and affection by careful and patient owners:

1. Not using the litter box. Under normal circumstances this should never be a problem. Kittens are taught to use litter by their mothers. If a kitten is unfamiliar with litter or kitty litter, it’s usually because the kitten was separated from his mother too soon. Kittens need to be with their mothers for at least 3 months, 12 weeks, but this is not often the case. People want the pleasure of teaching their own kitty as soon as possible. Some even enjoy bottle feeding very much, but this stands to reason only if the kitten has been orphaned and a suitable replacement cannot be found.

If you have an orphaned kitten, you will need to be a surrogate and litter box train it. Is not difficult. Simply place the kitten in the box shortly after he has eaten or drunk, and gently stroke his rear end, talking softly to encourage him. If you have other cats, let the kitten observe the older ones using the box. Cats learn by observation and imitation.

Probably the most important thing any cat or kitten owner can do to ensure that their pet continues to use the litter box is to keep it clean at all times.

2. Scratching furniture. Kittens must absolutely scratch. They can’t help but not do it. It’s up to you to provide them with the right environment to stretch their toes and exercise their front legs and paws. If they are declawed at this time, it can affect the normal development of the leg and paw muscles. However, declawing an adult cat has even more profound results and some cats never get over it. Provide a scratching post or pad and encourage them to use it by being calm and happy each time. Don’t bother with the catnip just yet; kittens are not sentient until they are much older, if at all. Some cats don’t seem to notice catnip. If you catch your kitty scratching something he shouldn’t, just pick him up and take him to the stall. Don’t yell, don’t hit and don’t get angry. This only teaches him that you can be unpredictable and fearsome. They rarely associate his action with your reaction.

3. Get into things. All youngsters love and need to explore. This is how they learn what is in their world and how to navigate it. If they are not allowed to learn things in this way, their social skills or even their survival skills will be stunted. However, as their guardians, it’s up to us to make sure they’re safe while having fun while learning. With kittens, we need to provide plenty of toys, hiding places, climbing opportunities, and best of all, time together where they learn to trust and interact with you. Just remember to be kind and considerate. Never play rough with a kitten, or you’ll be responsible for creating a biting little monster. It’s cute and not too painful to bear his claws and teeth at 6 weeks old, but you don’t want to wonder what happened to your soft ball of fluff when he was 2 years old and bleeding.

Then, once they’re old enough to jump on countertops, it’s time to nip that in the bud, or you may never stop them. The most effective tactics seem to be related to loud noises. Never knock a kitten off a counter. It could seriously injure you. You can continually pick him up and place him back on the floor, but most cats don’t seem to get it. Instead, make a loud noise. Hit the counter with something flat… a paddle, maybe… or use a can of compressed air that makes a very loud horn sound. Sometimes a gust of air is enough.

If a kitten’s environment is interesting and safe enough, she’ll be less likely to get involved in things that don’t concern her. Homeowners can help “childproof” their home and protect any possessions they wish to keep intact.

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