
Errors driving in the rain during the practical test

In many countries, when winter comes, the rain soon comes. Some driving students have their road test that day. They should have practiced for hours and know how to deal with the rain. However, some students who take their driving test do not know how to handle driving in the rain and fail the test. Examiners have noted that some driving errors in the rain are repeated more often than others.

A common mistake is not using the windshield wipers. Every driver should be familiar with the car’s controls and when to use them. Some driving students, especially during their driving test, forget their windshield wipers and don’t turn them on when it rains. If the situation reaches a point where there is no visibility through the window, the examiner may fail the student.

Another rain-related mistake test takers make is not turning on their headlights. During rain, it is very important to keep the car visible to other drivers. However, some students neglect that and simply leave their headlights off. This causes severe danger to the driver and the cars around him, and usually leads to a failed test.

Speed ​​is also an issue when driving in the rain. The rain wets the road, causing you to lose traction on the tires. This reduces the steering ability and makes the stopping distance much longer than normal. Going even to the speed limit, the driver risks losing control of the car. This can lead to what examiners call a “dangerous maneuver,” which is a critical error.

Turning in the rain can be very dangerous. Many accidents have occurred due to someone losing control during a turn. Some driving students are unprepared for their road test, causing them to make incorrect estimates of proper turning speed when it rains. At best, it can only be flagged as a minor bug. At worst, it can be fatal.

Driving in the rain is a subject of many hours of practice. All driving students should do some practice driving in the rain to understand how driving in the rain differs from normal driving. This can save the lives of many people. Driving Students practicing during the summer should drive very carefully on their first drive in the rain after obtaining their license.

You can find a guide to show you how to drive in the rain and on wet roads in the Pass Your Road Test section of

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