Arts Entertainments

For Women: How to Pretend You Are Confident, Even When You Know You Are Not

Being confident all the time can be a challenge. But you can pretend to be confident when you need or want it. How do you make it possible? Read on to find out.

Here are some typical scenarios:

1) You have been to the dentist alone and are very afraid of getting a cavity. You feel at the wit’s end. But you know you have to be a big girl. So put on a calm face and firm voice even though your heart is racing with adrenaline. Let the dentist do the rest.

2) You are in a job interview in front of several people in a row. You already feel nervous and your pulse is racing. The trick is not to let them know by speaking coldly and answering all questions positively and, above all, courageously. And you will surely achieve it.

3) You are the bride of a marriage ceremony and a hundred little things bother you. Keep all thoughts aside and be present. Look around you and appreciate. Look at the special man next to you and be happy to have your future husband close in your life. Appreciate how good it looks and smells. Melt your worries this way and improve your confidence level.

4) You are about to give a presentation for the first time at work. Her knees are shaking and her head hurts. Reassure yourself by sitting down for a few minutes and closing your eyes. Have a Tylenol tablet for your headache and face handing out the presentation, pretending to be sure. He speaks with natural fluency and without problems. Everything will end well and you will be applauded.

5) You get stuck in an elevator with just your kids. The lights have also been turned off. How to act in front of your children? You can’t panic or yell because that will definitely scare your kids. You have lost all your confidence. But don’t show it. Think, think and think. Use your cell phone light to press the emergency button and communicate by meeting your brevity. Help will come soon. The worst is over.

In short, these are some of the scenarios where you lose all your confidence as a woman but can prepare to face adversity just by pretending to be confident. It is understood?

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