Legal Law

Genetically Modified Foods: A Fact You Should Know

Based on information collected by the GMO Base Committee LabelThe following are facts we should all be aware of to protect our health and make informed political decisions:

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Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are agricultural biotechnology laboratory creations designed by forcing the DNA of a foreign species into plants or animals. This foreign DNA can come from a virus, bacteria such as E. coli, insects, animals, or humans, resulting in traits that would not occur naturally.

More than 70 percent of supermarket foods in the US contain GMOs. While 50 other countries, including the entire European Union, require GMO labeling, the US does not.

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Animal studies have shown that GMOs cause infertility, accelerated aging, dysfunctional insulin regulation, changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system, and immune problems such as asthma, allergies, and inflammation. As a result of these studies, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine has called for a moratorium on GMOs. The FDA’s own scientists have warned that GMOs have serious health hazards, but no safety studies are required. Europe has rejected GMOs due to their health effects.

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GMO foods pose greater risks to children – In feeding studies, adolescent rats showed impaired immune systems and digestive function; smaller brains, livers, and testicles; liver atrophy; and growth of precancerous cells in the intestines after just 10 days of GM feeding. One study showed that rat pups fed GM soy died within three weeks. Bt toxin, a pesticide that has been modified into GM corn, has been found in the placenta of pregnant women and in fetuses. In newborns, since the blood-brain barrier has not yet developed, scientists speculate that these toxins may enter the brain and cause serious cognitive problems, such as ADHD and autism.

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Agricultural biotech companies have undue influence on the government institutions that are supposed to regulate them to protect public health. Many former Monsanto executives are now at the FDA and USDA. Michael Taylor, a former vice president and attorney for the largest GMO company, Monsanto, is now the deputy commissioner of the FDA. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a former Monsanto attorney. Agritech companies make generous campaign contributions and lobby politicians heavily. The FDA has chosen to ignore strong warnings from its own scientists and allowed GMOs into our food supply without any health studies or even labeling.

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GMOs offer no benefits to consumers or farmers . GMOs do not provide higher yields, are not more drought tolerant than conventional crops, are less nutritious and do not taste better. Many GM crops are created to increase herbicide tolerance, which encourages more herbicide use and increases profits from agritech. Because GM plants are designed to produce sterile seeds, farmers must buy new seeds every year. Farmers who do not use GM seeds and whose fields are contaminated with GM crops have lost their livelihoods due to the demands of agritech companies.

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The excessive use of herbicides in transgenic crops has led to super weeds requiring super toxic herbicides, increased incidence of deadly plant diseases, soil degradation and waterway pollution.

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GMOs are widespread in our food supply. U.S. supermarkets sell products containing unlabeled ingredients from GM soybeans, sugar beets, corn, canola, and cottonseed. Genetically modified Hawaiian papaya, zucchini, and crookneck squash are also sold in the US Bovine growth hormone rBGH is genetically modified. Cattle are routinely raised on feed containing GM soybeans, corn and cottonseed. The FDA has recently deregulated GM alfalfa, a common feed crop for dairy cattle. The FDA is weighing the approval of GM salmon and a variety of other foods.

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GMOs could be contributing to the observed increases in childhood food allergies, asthma and autism, which have increased dramatically in the last 15 years since GMOs were introduced. The GMO creation process may increase the levels of existing allergens or introduce new allergens. GMO animal feed studies show immune dysregulation, which is associated with asthma. The Bt pesticide from GM corn has been found in the bloodstream of women and fetuses; Pesticides are linked to autism through their potential to affect changes in the fetal brain.

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GMOs can be avoided by using the Non-GMO Shopping Guide or by choosing organic foods. The highest risk ingredients are corn, soybeans, cottonseed and canola. The guide available at explains how to avoid hidden GMO ingredients, such as lecithin, modified food starch, and high-fructose corn syrup. Certified organic products may not intentionally contain any genetically modified ingredients.

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You can make the difference! Here are the action steps recommended by Karen Hudson, Sonoma County Coordinator of the Label GMOs Grassroots Committee encourages everyone to do:

*Contact to support, donate, volunteer, and learn more.

*Watch “The Future of Food”, “The World According to Monsanto” or

*Watch Jeffrey Smith’s new video “Genetic Roulette”.

*Take a look at the 2 min. of Nutiva. video on YouTube: “What is a GMO?”.

*Forward this article to everyone in your network.

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