Lifestyle Fashion

Get Back With Your Ex: 3 Steps to Rebuild Attraction

Losing someone you are in love with is a very painful experience. You feel like you just lost something that you will never get back. Perhaps your ex has told you that there is no possibility of getting back into a relationship with him? Unless you have done something unforgivable, this is never the case.

If they were attracted to you before, they may be attracted to you again.

Following these 3 steps is a good start if you want to get your ex back.

1. Leave Them Alone – How can you get your ex back without even talking to them? Be patient. Don’t rush things right after the breakup. His mixed emotions with her emotions at this point will probably cause a very messy explosion.

At this point, he will still think that the reason he broke up with you is valid. If you keep pestering them, begging them to change their minds, and telling them “you can’t live without them,” you’ll only make things worse.

You have to show them that you are strong. Crying about it is okay, but they don’t need to know. They won’t take you back out of sympathy. If they know they can get you back at any time, what’s the rush? They can hang out with other people and know that you are there as a backup.

Later, you can contact them again; we’ll cover it soon. But for now, no emails, no writing, no phone calls, no checking your MySpace profile. Every time you give in to one of these temptations, you’ll reduce your chances, open your wounds again, and find yourself back where you started.

You have to prove to yourself and to them that you have a strong character. Give them time to miss you and wonder what you’re doing. This leads to…

2. Enrich your life – While you wait, fill your free time with anything and everything. Join the club. Start a new hobby that you have always wanted to do. Learn a musical instrument. By doing this, you will meet new people and improve yourself.

Delete the word “no” from your vocabulary for a while. Your friends invite you to a party? Say yes. An attractive member of the opposite sex asks you out on a date? Say yes. Remember, you are not betraying or cheating on your ex by doing this. They wanted the break up, right? If he’s not happy with you meeting new companions, then he’s going to have to win you back.

If they know you might not stick around to wait for them, they might suddenly realize they don’t want to lose you. You are not being manipulative unless you have no interest in these dates. This is win/win for you. Not only could you meet a new lover (who could become the man or woman of your dreams), but it will also make your ex reconsider losing you.

3. Get back in touch: Wait at least a week or two after the breakup before any contact. Decide how long you are going to give it, and don’t change it.

If your ex tries to contact you before the time is up, use your judgment to decide whether or not to respond. Don’t break plans or go out of your way to see them, but don’t make a big deal out of it either. Just say “I’m busy that night, but how about (a new day later in the week)?”

If they don’t get in touch, write them an email, or a text message, something casual asking how they are doing. Don’t mention the breakup, the dates, etc. Talk to them as if they were friends. If all goes well after a few exchanges, ask them if they’d like to hang out.

If they say yes, don’t instantly back down when you see them. Still treat them like friends. Focus on having fun. Make them laugh and smile. Show them something you’ve learned since you finished. (If you started taking guitar lessons in Step 2, for example, show them your amazing version of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”)

The most important thing is to show them how much fun they can have with you. Nothing will kill the attraction more than diving into the deep. If you can make them laugh, half the battle is already won.

If you treat them like it’s a first date, they’ll feel like they’re on your first date. Remember why they were attracted to you in the first place and show them that it hasn’t changed in you. Show them that whatever caused the breakup has changed, and you’ll be fine.

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