
Get rid of tonsil stones – gargle as a natural treatment to keep them away forever

If you’ve always felt like something stuck in your throat and you’re suffering from bad breath that doesn’t go away no matter what you do, you may just have tonsil stones or tonsilloliths. These stones form in the deep pockets of the tonsils when food particles, dead white blood cells, bacteria and mucus accumulate.

Although considered harmless, getting rid of tonsilloliths is important if you are probably tired of the embarrassment of bad breath. It is always advisable to adopt natural treatment modalities as they are safe and do not lead to other complications. There are a number of simple natural remedies for tonsilloliths that can help you get rid of the problem.

Personally, I would find gargling to be a very effective remedy to get rid of tonsil stones. Millions of people have tried this method and got tremendous relief from their complaints. Although extremely popular in Asian countries, especially India, this natural remedy has yet to become popular in the West.

How to gargle:

One should slightly tilt the head back and bubble the liquid in the mouth for at least 45 seconds. Drop your head down and spit out the liquid. The process, when done repeatedly, will help get rid of tonsil stones. It also helps provide you with fresher breath.

Substances that can be used to gargle:

There are many natural substances with medicinal properties that can be used to gargle. Mouthwash, table salt, cayenne pepper, hydrogen peroxide, grape fruit extract, zingiber officinalis, lemon and apple cider vinegar are most commonly used to carry out this act. There are many medications available in liquid form that are used especially for gargling. Be careful not to swallow the liquid. There are numerous studies taking place across the country that have shown the effectiveness of gargling. You can implement this method in your daily routine to get rid of tonsil stones.

How do gargles help treat tonsil stones?

Gargles have always been traditionally used to treat sore throats. But when performed by patients with tonsil stones, it helps to dislodge hardened lumps from the throat due to ongoing redness in the area. Gargling with medicinal substances is an added benefit, as it helps prevent infection. One important thing to remember is that gargling must be done regularly over a period of time to be effective in washing the stones.

Prevention is better than cure, so maintain good oral hygiene even after the stone has dislodged, as it helps correct underlying causes and prevents bad breath and new stone formation.

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