Health Fitness

Good habits support good results

Perhaps you feel that now is the time to improve your health and your life? Good habits are often crucial to achieving good results and a positive outcome.

You may be looking to lose weight, get fitter, be more successful, be motivated to do well at work, or feel like it’s time to expand your circle of friends; all require sustained effort to continue beyond the early enthusiastic days.

May good clothes favor good results

– The first thing to appreciate. about good clothes is that they should have real resonance for you. If you’re not particularly concerned with becoming slimmer, fitter, or more successful, then that lack of enthusiasm won’t sustain you through the cold, dark nights or rough days when your willpower begins to waver. Having friends or family who are pushing you to ‘better’ only increases your stress levels, resentment, and maybe even feelings of low self-esteem. Choose good clothes that feel good to you.

– small steps they are a positive way to move toward your larger goals. Stepping stones can help keep you from feeling overwhelmed by having to tackle everything at once. Acknowledge every milestone you reach; give yourself credit for signing up for that class, not eating that cake, refusing that alcoholic beverage. Every decision brings you closer to those good results.

– Stay focused, but also appreciate that sometimes other options may appear that can add value to your life. Don’t allow yourself to be too distracted from your agreed-upon good habits, but still be prepared for the big opportunities that may arise. Limit the time, money, or mental energy you spend on distractions. Allow yourself to make the most of them and enjoy what they bring to your life, but don’t let them take you away from the big picture and your ultimate goal.

– Be responsible to others. can be a great motivator. Having to check in regularly and report on your progress ensures that you stay on top of every stage of the journey. Knowing that you have a regular journal appointment can quickly put temptations out of your mind.

– Join a group and work together. in shared goals can provide a good support network. Sharing tips, advice, and motivational stories can give a real boost on those tired and unenthusiastic days. And if we know that our attendance is important to the survival of the group, it can inspire us to keep going. Being a member of a group, even when it’s online, can encourage us to keep up our good habits. However, the downside is that if one or two members lose their enthusiasm, they can demotivate the rest.

– Sometimes paying in advance joining a club or gym pushes people to go regularly, while others lose interest and go only a couple of times even after paying all that money. For me, I have committed to a weekly delivery of locally grown organic vegetables. It inspired me to eat at least one item from the box every day and it’s good to cook from scratch, eat fresh organic meals, buy local produce and sometimes try new things that I’ve never cooked before. Having it every week means there’s no excuse to stop eating this healthy veggie, and it’s a habit I’m happy to stick with.

– Be aware of your vulnerable areas and take steps to mitigate them. So, for example, if you know you find reasons to stop every day at the gas station, unlicensed shop, or supermarket, where you then ‘accidentally’ buy chocolates, wine, cigarettes, or scratch cards, intercept those times. and let’s not go. Instead, shop online or make a list and shop once a week. Don’t get in the way of temptation.

– Use the services of a professional trainer or therapist it may be worth considering if you feel there are specific issues that are holding you back and need to be addressed. Regular sessions could help you move forward, introduce a positive mindset, manage stress, and figure out how to best treat yourself.

Be kind to yourself. It can take 2-6 months for a new habit to become your automatic default. If you experience slip-ups, bad days, and can’t be bothered, be kind to yourself and let them go. Remind yourself of all the good reasons you have to persist and start over, knowing that sticking to your good habits will ultimately achieve good results.

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