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Healthy Brain Foods

With so many things that can go wrong when it comes to food, it’s best to focus on the foods that help things go right. Fortunately, there are several tasty snacks ready to do just that. Let’s see some:


The vitamin K and folic acid found in avocados work hard to protect your brain. They help prevent blood clots, which means you are better protected against strokes. They also help in areas like memory, cognitive skills, and concentration.


There is a lot to love about beets. Recognized as one of those anti-inflammatory veggies, they do everything from flushing toxins out of your body, to providing better blood flow to the brain, helping you gain the much-needed mental “ edge. ”


To protect against the natural deterioration of the brain, blueberries are the best! They improve memory over time, and recent research shows that they can actually reverse memory loss.


Another vegetable for memory acuity, broccoli has a lot to offer, specifically two nutrients crucial to improving brain function: vitamin K and choline. Vitamin K strengthens cognitive abilities while choline improves memory. Let’s not forget folic acid, which helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease and depression.

Coconut oil

There has been so much talk about coconut oil, it’s hard to believe that it does so many good things and still protects your brain from memory loss due to aging. This is another great anti-inflammatory that helps the growth of neurons.

Dark chocolate

To get the best benefits from chocolate, go for something with 70% cocoa or more. This is another food to improve blood flow to the brain. Cocoa has been found to improve verbal fluency and cognitive function in the elderly.


The choline in eggs helps your brain chemistry stay on track. Studies have shown that eggs help you feel happy and are not only necessary for healthy growth in developing brains.

Extra virgin olive oil

There’s a lot to love about this one, for the way it protects your brain from damage, but it can also reverse damage done to the brain due to disease or age. Extra virgin olive oil facilitates learning, improves memory and even works to prevent dementia. The good? It is very easy to add to your diet.

Green leafy vegetables

Every time you eat something that is leafy green, you are adding good things to your diet regarding iron and vitamin C. But did you know that these vegetables slow down the effects of aging on your brain? 1-2 servings a day is all you need to see positive change!


Do you have memory problems or can’t seem to think lately? Try salmon for a quick fix, courtesy of all those omega-3s so necessary for good brain health. If you think that something so simple may not help so significantly, consider the following: Studies have shown that children with ADHD who eat salmon have greatly improved their concentration.


Everyone has been talking about how great turmeric is as an anti-inflammatory, but it is also wonderful to increase oxygen intake in the brain, which means a boost in cognitive abilities. You’ll also feel more alert with this simple addition to your diet.


It doesn’t take a lot of nuts to think better. That’s because they have a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acid, DHA. DHA is a powerful brain food and has been shown to improve cognitive performance and prevent age-related cognitive decline.

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