Health Fitness

Healthy Food List: Healthy Foods That Are Good To Eat And Will Keep You Slim

At a time when childhood and adult obesity along with fast food lifestyles are two issues of great concern and importance to the overall health and future of the nation, it is vital that individuals and families have a list of healthy foods to ensure adequate nutrition and avoid unnecessary weight gain. Instead of going all the way to the nearest burger joint, try preparing meals at home. While home dining may require more time and energy, it is well worth the effort and the benefits certainly outweigh any inconvenience home dining may present. When shopping for meals to make at home, it’s important to know which foods are nutritious and which foods are just empty calories. While eating at home is healthier than the fast food alternative, knowing the right foods to buy is essential to a healthy diet.

Items on a healthy food list include vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, beans and legumes, grains, nuts and seeds, seafood, poultry and other lean meats. These items include, but are not limited to:

o Vegetables: asparagus, carrots, peas, kale, mushrooms, potatoes, spinach, squash, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes

o Fruit: apples, blueberries, cranberries, oranges, pears, pineapple, raspberries, and watermelon

o Low-fat dairy products: low-fat or fat-free cheese, 1% or skim milk, yogurt

o Beans and legumes: black beans, broad beans, navy beans, pinto beans

o Grains: brown rice, corn, oats, whole wheat

o Nuts and seeds: cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts

o Seafood: salmon, scallops, shrimp, tuna

o Poultry and other lean meats: chicken, turkey, venison

Organically grown foods are recommended to promote health, and whole foods are generally healthier than processed foods. If you are concerned about bland flavor, there are many healthy herbs and spices that can be used to add flavor and pizzazz to any meal. Herbs and spices include but are not limited to:

or Cayenne pepper

or chili powder


curry powder




or thyme

It’s important to have a grocery list handy when you go shopping. Having foods and recipes determined in advance will help shoppers limit their food purchases to just the items on the list. This will help curb the urge to buy unhealthy foods, including snacks. The list alone is not enough, as the buyer must exercise their willpower and control while shopping. The individual must also exert his willpower to restrict fast foods from his diet.

Creating and sticking to a healthy food list is one of the best ways to get started and lay the foundation for not only healthy eating but also healthy living. Many people feel that eating healthy is expensive and not within their budget. While some organic foods may be a bit more expensive, there should be a healthy alternative to choose from so your diet doesn’t break your belt or your wallet.

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