
Heirloom Quality Jewelry (Part 1)

What makes a piece of jewelry worthy of being called “heirloom quality” and what does the term mean? In a nutshell, traditional jewelry is recognized as jewelry that is passed down from generation to generation, whereas a “traditional quality” piece may or may not be passed down, but exhibits several main qualities that one should expect from jewelry meant to last for many years. of use. have a position An heirloom-quality piece is best described as high-end jewelry that showcases quality materials, precise craftsmanship, and solid construction. The most precious heirloom jewelry also exhibits unique design, special treatment and sentimental value. This two-part article will help readers distinguish between precious pieces meant to be treasured for a lifetime and pieces that are less valuable.

quality materials

The most obvious characteristic of heirloom-quality jewelry is that it is constructed from quality materials. Such materials may include, but are not limited to, high karat gold, fine and sterling silver, platinum, precious and semi-precious stones, and organic gems.

The precious metals gold, silver and platinum are valued for their rarity and beauty. Although malleable, these metals are remarkably resistant to corrosion, making them highly desirable for jewelry making.

Pure gold is measured as 24 karat and is generally considered too soft to be worn as jewelry, therefore it is commonly alloyed with other metals such as copper, silver and titanium to make it stronger. The result is gold of different carats and shades and, in general, the higher the gold content, the more precious the piece is considered. In the United States, 14-karat gold predominates. In Europe, 18-karat gold is the most common, and in parts of Asia and the Middle East, 22- or 24-karat gold is the standard. In high-end jewelry, the karat content is often stamped on the piece.

Silver is the most abundant of all precious metals, and when given a high polish, its reflective properties are second to none. It has been perhaps the most coveted precious metal throughout the centuries, probably due to its durability combined with its beauty. One of the secrets of silver is that it easily flatters all skin tones. Although more durable than pure gold, like gold, pure silver alone is too soft to be used as jewelry. Sterling silver is an alloy of 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent copper. This combination strengthens the silver while retaining its precious metal properties.

Platinum’s popularity as high-end jewelry began more than 2,000 years ago in South American Indian cultures and, like silver, is prized for its highly reflective color. Another defining characteristic of platinum is its durability, which is unsurpassed by any of the other precious metals. Even the most delicate styles made from platinum retain their shape permanently; this allows jewelry artists extensive creative freedom when forming complex pieces. Most platinum jewelry is made from at least 85 percent pure platinum. Palladium, ruthenium, and iridium, which are also members of the platinum family, are often alloyed with platinum to improve brilliance and durability.

In addition to metal, heirloom-quality jewelry can feature a variety of skillfully set stones and organic materials. These materials can range from very expensive and rare to semi-precious and lusciously colored. What matters most is how well these materials are incorporated into the overall design and how securely they are placed in the part. Just because a 5 karat diamond is set in an 18 karat gold ring does not mean it qualifies as an heirloom.

Expensive gems like diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires represent precious stones. Although diamonds enjoy instant recognition as rare and precious, sapphires are theoretically four times rarer than diamonds. Sapphires are very durable, second only to diamonds in hardness, and sometimes come in colors rarer than blue, called “fancy” or “party colors.” Treasured by the ancient Incas and Aztecs, emeralds are the most valuable gemstone in the world, by weight. Colombian emeralds are among the most beautiful in the world, prized for their pristine, undiluted green. Incredibly deep red brilliance is the signature of the beautiful ruby ​​and the finest and rarest rubies are called “pigeon’s blood” due to their unrivaled deep red color. .

Semi-precious stones are by definition more abundant than their higher priced relatives and are valued primarily for their beauty. Examples of semi-precious stones include turquoise, amethyst, bloodstone, cubic zirconia, garnet, onyx, and opal. Although coral and pearl are not technically stones, they are also considered semi-precious.

Other materials considered semi-precious include amber, ivory, fossils, and exotic woods. These materials are often referred to as “organic gems” and feature a unique and unusual treatment for distinctive jewelry. Amber is fossilized pine sap, most of which comes from the Baltic states of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Ivory can come from a variety of animals, including prehistoric mammoths, but for centuries elephant ivory was the most prized. In an effort to conserve species decimated by the ivory trade, international ivory bans have been enacted, making it a criminal offense to slaughter an animal simply for its tusks. Of course, caches of ivory taken before the start of the global bans still exist, this is known as “pre-ban ivory” and although its use is legal, many scrupulous jewelers choose to use ivory alternatives instead. One such alternative is the hard fruit of the Ivory Nut Palm, which bears a remarkable resemblance to the ivory of mammals.

In part two of this article, we’ll examine the importance of high-quality craftsmanship, sentimental value, and proper care for a highly prized piece.

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