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How To Get Women To Bed With 4 Simple Sex Framing Devices

If you want to know how to get women to go to bed, it’s about telling her what she wants to hear. Seasoned pickup artists use “sexual frames.” These are statements on three topics – you, her, and “us” – that you say to her, and they set the stage for intimacy. They start out innocent, like any kind of conversation people use when they first meet; and gradually progress to the point where you are talking about sexually intimate things. So it’s just a matter of taking a small step to get it into the bedroom.

There are 4 great devices that work great for sexual framing:

Stories. Stories are used to tell a girl more about yourself, to share sexual experiences, to talk about friends, or to give her a metaphor. The point is that they show characteristics about you, her, or the two of you together.

Accomplished. Compliments work great for talking about her. Instead of congratulating her on the things she IS, you’ll congratulate her on the things she WANTS to congratulate her on. This is the key to sexual framing: speak directly about your wants and desires.

Bait, hook, reel and release reports. This is a technique where you “go fishing” for a little information about her to follow up with a compliment. Because you now have an idea of ​​how she feels about herself, you can design that compliment to be exactly what she wants to hear. If she is surprised, you “let go” with a non sequitur to divert things. Then keep saying something similar about yourself that builds rapport.

Double links. A double bind is a question that, no matter how you answer, qualifies it so you can start building your frames. For example, ask her if she is a party girl; if he says yes, tell him that you like to go out too; if he says no, tell him that you like to stay home and watch DVDs too. Then use this angle to set up the rest of your frames.

How to get women to go to bed is simple if you know how to build frames and gradually scale them. It’s about making the right statements, shaping her behavior, and using tension and release to get her where you want her – in your place, in your bed, waiting for you.

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