
How to get your ex back by acting like you don’t care anymore! This can work wonders if done right.

When nothing seems to help it is best to accept the situation you find yourself in, make peace with yourself and start moving on. If you act like you don’t give a damn about your ex, chances are he’s attracted to you. How and why this happens is something for experts in human psychology to figure out. Use these seven tips to get your ex back in no time.

Ignore your ex to give him space and time to think about you

Trying to convince your ex to come back is of no use and this will only complicate things as it may set terms and conditions that will be humiliating for you. The best way forward is to ignore it for now.

Let them feel the pains of separation

If you’ve spent a considerable amount of time together before the breakup and had some good times, then your ex will definitely think about the good times once his anger has subsided. For this to happen, it is best to stay out of their reach.

Convey your happiness about the breakup.

You need to let your ex know that you’re not too upset about the breakup, even though you wish it hadn’t happened. Get together with mutual friends and family of your ex and make the point in a subtle way. Make it clear to them that you are not thinking about the separation and that you are taking steps to move on in life.

Show your willingness to go out one more time

This is much easier these days with the proliferation of social networking sites. Change your Facebook, Orkut status to single and let your ex know that you are once again interested in meeting interesting people. Make a list of your preferences that slightly match your ex’s attributes.

Let your ex know you’re having fun

This can also be done over the Internet. Post or upload photos of you and your friends having fun on your page and make sure your close friends post comments about the same. This will drive home the point that all is well with you.

send mixed signals

By keeping photos of you and your ex when you were both together on your Facebook or Orkut page, you can send him mixed signals that you still have feelings for him and have not completely forgotten him.

Meet up and offer to remain good friends.

By now, your ex will have realized his mistake and come to the conclusion that you’re not such a bad person after all. Meet his ex and try to resolve the differences and offer him your hand of friendship. This will show your magnanimity and your ex will start having doubts.

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