Lifestyle Fashion

How to save money and make your bathroom green

Trying to create an ecological bathroom is not as difficult as you think. There are a few things you should do to help you save on things like water and other resources.

Many of us are already doing things at home to try to be a little more aware of what we are doing to our planet by choosing options that are eco-friendly. Having a completely green home is time consuming and expensive, but that shouldn’t stop you from working towards that goal by making small changes at a time. Your bathroom is a great place to start. Read on to see if you can implement some of the things mentioned in this article to make your bathroom greener.

Cleaning products can be some of the most toxic substances in your bathroom, so try to choose items that are biodegradable. You can also look for ones that will work with less water. With a little searching, you can find things that work great, but have very little impact on the environment.

Another thing that works great to save water is a slow-flow shower head. It is estimated that you will use less than half the water with this item alone. This will allow you to take longer showers and still use less water than you normally do. Anyone using this item will not notice the decrease in water to any extent due to the way the shower head is designed.

Another great water saver is a low-flow toilet. When you think about it, a normal toilet is a real hog on your water supply at 5 gallons per flush. You don’t need anywhere near that to get the job done. Upgrade your toilet to a water-saving model and you could easily reduce your usage by up to 3.5 gallons per flush.

Another thing that many people never think about is the material used to make their cabinets. Some materials are not very eco-friendly and should be avoided. Porcelain, ceramic, or stone tiles are great for flooring and will last a long time without looking worn. Try to avoid things that need to be replaced often, and you’ll soon have a low-maintenance eco-friendly bathroom.

You may even consider replacing your hot water tank with an on-demand system to save energy. Not only do they save you money, but you’ll also notice that you’ll never run out of hot water.

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