
How to sell your product or service when it is NOT the cheapest

It just makes sense that you’ll get the most business when your product or service is the cheapest, right? But what happens when you are significantly higher than your competitors? Are you going to stay out of the market?

Often these days there is someone selling a product or service just like yours, but at a ridiculously low price. Maybe you’re offering a service that the folks at Fiverr offer for $5 (that’s $4 after Fiverr takes their $1 fee!) Right now I’m charging $99 to write your press release, which is the lowest price I’ve ever found. I’ve offered since 1999. But there are others who write press releases for $10, $7, even $5.

Chances are YOUR business is experiencing the same problem. Even though your product is the lowest possible price without breaking the bank, any customer can Google the product and find someone selling the same product under the bill. That could be because the company is giving the product away to attract more customers or is a BIG company buying the product in the millions and getting a deep discount from the manufacturer.

Whatever the case, THERE IS a way to convince customers that YOU have the best VALUE, even if your price isn’t the lowest.

An example of how this is done is a friend who designs websites for $70 an hour. A client was about to hire him when he heard about a teenager who worked part-time for $10 an hour. My friend explained that when the $10/hr designer made a mess of his website, the client would have to pay all over again to have a professional solution and design his site the right way.

The client realized that paying $70 per hour would be their best VALUE:

* Less headaches. Her site would do well.

* Faster results. The experienced designer would have the site up sooner and ready to do business.

* A better site would mean more sales, probably paying the designer’s fee right away

The client thought why should I waste my time and risk saving a little money on the design. What I really need is a good site, well done and fast, and to continue my business and increase sales.

This story is a good example of how you can convince customers that your highest price is the best deal:

* Clients can TRUST you to do the job right

* Your best SERVICE will make the price worth it

* It’s EASIER to work with you

* The client will get RESULTS

Now that I think about it. I think I’ll have one of those guys who writes a sales letter for $7 do the best he can. Then I’ll post MY sales letter next to theirs. Additionally, I will feature testimonials from clients praising how they trust me, love my service, and find it easy to get results.

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