
Main reasons why we love cats

cats Lovable creatures that we humans find so irresistible. If you admire cats and have one, or more accurately, own one, have you ever wondered why you still have one, even though cats are so picky? There are several reasons why cats are capable of stealing our hearts with their overwhelming cuteness.

1. Keep yourself entertained

Being surrounded by cats is one of the best ways to entertain yourself. With a few toys, a laser pointer, or a piece of string, they can brighten up your entire day in just a few hours.

2. It occupies smaller spaces

Cats are perfect pets if you have a small apartment building. They are small and do not take up too much space. Also, they can fit in a small pet crate for occasional use, for example when traveling.

3. Can be left alone

Cats love their time for me like 24 hours every day. They don’t hate you for leaving them all day because they can take care of themselves. Just leave them their milk, their litter box, and their toys, and your absence won’t feel as bad as it should.

4. It does not require a lot of time

Cats don’t take hours of your time just for their satisfaction. They hate the outdoors, so you don’t need to keep an eye on them while they’re outside.


Cats are pocket friendly. Aside from the occasional pet food and doctor’s visits, spending on your cats is usually a low-budget thing to do. After all, all cats need is milk, a litter box, and a bunch of string to brighten their day.

6. Purr. Meow.

I always love hearing them purr and meow. It’s a lovely and memorable thing for us cat owners to hear. And if you keep a cat long enough, you might be able to understand its every meow and purr.

7. Bathrooms – not necessary

Cats don’t like bathing. gold bath They tend to keep absolutely clean and that’s fine with them.

8. Personal rodent exterminators

Your cat is your personal rat exterminator. Your home becomes rodent free thanks to our bundle of goodness.

9. Cats love us

The cliché that most people know about cats is that they don’t love their owners and that they are rude. Yes, while I agree that cats can be different from other pets and prefer to be left alone, I know from the bottom of my heart that they love us with the same amount of love that we show them.

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