
Make a woman love you through challenge

It’s an overlooked way to make a woman want you, but CHALLENGE is literally the most powerful weapon in your arsenal.

Do you often get frustrated that the “bad boy” is the boy she wants? Yes, she says she wants a nice and sensitive boy, but when that boy shows up, what happens?

“Wow, I thought that was what she wanted, but actually, I’m not sure what I want,” is a statement that I can hear from her now.

No, women don’t want the nice, sensitive guy (the weakling). They will put up with the macho boy for a while because he represents a NEGATIVE challenge but what they really want is a gentleman.

The gentleman is a perfect cross between the nice / sensitive guy and the macho guy.

He’s kind enough and has enough empathy to be an easily communicable guy, but he’s not going to let her run him down either.

The gentleman knows that it must be a POSITIVE challenge for her.

He will take her out, hold her chair, not look at other women, open her door, make her laugh and show her a great moment where she will laugh a lot.

After the date, will you hear from him the next day? No. 2 days later? No. Okay, 4 days later? Uh uh.

Try 5 to 9 days later.


As he laughs and is having a good time, he begins to feel something for him. If it gets in your face too soon after the first few dates, before your feelings fully develop, it disrupts the natural process of your falling in love.

The gentleman understands that he cannot be too available. Understand that you need some of those “bad boy” characteristics. He’s also not going to be an aggressive jerk like a macho boy.

She will WONDER if you like him. She will WONDER if he is dating other women. She will WONDER what he’s doing because he had such a great time and she’s not sure why he’s not available.

If a man controls his own feelings and SLOWLY enters the first 10 dates / 60 days of a relationship waiting 5-9 days to call between dates and having little or no contact in that time frame, he will find that she will. be much more receptive.

Most men call within a few days. Most men want to see her too often, too early in the relationship. Most men are in your face because you want to show how much you like him and you don’t want another man to top you.

The guy who understands challenge and understands that POSITIVE challenge is the way to go, is the guy who makes a woman want him.

Remember guys, you can never go in too slow, but you can rush into rejection.

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