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MSG: more than a flavor enhancer

Monosodium glutamate history

For thousands of years, the people of Japan used seaweed to enhance the flavors of their food. Scientists began to wonder what it was about seaweed that made food better. Eventually, Kikunae Ikeda found out what it was. His discovery was soon manufactured on a large scale. In 1908, the industrial giant Ajinomoto began manufacturing the chemical compound known as free glutamic acid, also known as “MSG.” The substance was patented in 1909 by a company in Japan. During World War II, American soldiers noted that Japanese Army rations were tasty. Army quartermasters discovered that the reason for this was MSG.

Following this discovery, the use of the substance spread to the United States. The use of MSG in food became widespread in the United States in the 1950s through restaurant and home use. The main product used to spread this influence was labeled Accent. The product was pure MSG. When the standards for food additives went into effect in 1958, the additive MSG was ‘exempt’ without any testing, since its use was so widespread. Technically, it is classified by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as “generally regarded as safe” without any testing for the substance.

The manufacturing process used to produce the compound requires sophisticated refining. Strong acids and high temperatures are used to hydrolyze or break down various proteins. Refining or ‘hydrolysing’ leaves the manufacturer with a mixture of D-glutamic acid, pyroglutamic acid, along with large amounts of the sodium salt of L-glutamic acid and various other amino acids. Although the body contains some of these proteins in the brain, these artificially produced substances are dangerous. Since they are produced using artificial methods, their effects differ from naturally produced proteins. Refining a substance increases its potency. This is the case of cocaine, sugar and other highly refined substances.

The companies involved in the manufacture of MSG formed a coalition known as the Glutamate Association in 1977. Although membership in the organization is secret, some observers believe membership includes Ajinomoto, Archer Daniels Midland, Campbell, Corn Products Corporation, McCormick & Company , Pet food, Pfizer Laboratories and Takeda. The Glutamate Association conducts research and makes public statements about the use and ‘safety’ of MSG and associated products.

The spread of MSG use remains wide with heavy use by fast food restaurants. For example at KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) all non-dessert items on their menu contain this substance.

glutamic acid in the brain

Natural proteins (L-glutamaic acid) that are present in the brain are involved in the action of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are important in sending messages through the nervous system. The amount of this substance in the body is too small to limit the actions of the neurotransmitters involved.

Glutamic acid is found at excitatory synapses in the central nervous system. This chemical is essential for potentiation or long-term memory. Playing with such substances can interfere with the functioning of the central nervous system. Glutamic acid is a neurotransmitter that ‘excites’ the nervous system. It has been found to be central in childhood personality disorders and behavioral disorders. Such disorders have been ameliorated by changes in glutamic acid levels. Glutamic acid is also important in the transport of potassium across the blood-brain barrier.

(Potassium is a critical mineral for maintaining a healthy nervous system and regular heart rhythm. Changes in potassium level can affect each of these)

The amount of these chemical neurotransmitters is kept in a strictly defined range to prevent the nervous system from becoming overstimulated. Neurotransmitters serve as specific, chemically sensitive triggers that send messages throughout the nervous system. It’s no accident that some researchers refer to MSG as “food nicotine.” One of the reasons nicotine is dangerous is that it overstimulates the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. With MSG, the glutamic neurotransmitter is overstimulated.

How does MSG work?

Part of the danger of highly refined MSG is that, in large amounts, it crosses the blood-brain barrier and can potentially interfere with “normal” nerve activities and overexcite them. Any substance that crosses the blood-brain barrier, as monosodium glutamate does, can potentially affect the brain and behave subsequently. It overstimulates the nerves and at the same time overloads the chemicals that would naturally neutralize the stimulating effect. In simple terms, it overloads the nervous system. In the short term, the body can recover, but repeated overstimulation can lead to permanent disruption of the system. One particular part of the brain affected is the hypothalamus, which regulates mood and emotions. Overstimulation of that part of the brain can produce marked changes in a person’s behavior. These marked changes can happen suddenly. The reaction time to MSG varies from suddenly to 48 hours. With populations sensitive to MSG, such changes may manifest as sudden outbursts of anger or difficulty controlling sudden impulses.

By definition, any substance that has the potential to be psychoactive (affecting behavior) is cause for concern. Any psychoactive chemical has the potential to permanently alter the brain chemistry of the person involved. In addition to crossing the blood-brain barrier, it also crosses the placental barrier in pregnant women.

Often called a “flavor enhancer,” this substance actually stimulates brain cells to overreact to substances. In the hyperreactive state, the person taking MSG believes that food tastes better. Overexcitement can lead to headaches, palpitations, facial swelling, numbness, violent diarrhea, migraines, and other immediate reactions (such as panic attacks, stiffness, joint pain, loss of balance, slurred speech, diarrhea, blurred vision, and ADHD). ) in some populations. Although some may pass off the reactions as allergic in nature, the body’s response is that to a toxin.

Some of the toxic reactions are delayed. Late reactions include increased obesity, brain damage, growth retardation, reproductive disorders, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, and/or retinal degeneration. Such symptoms are serious and worthy of concern. These were some of the effects seen in early research on laboratory animals. Although some critics claim that the amount of MSG given to animals is nowhere near the amount given to humans, when one considers the many routes of MSG consumption, humans ingest large amounts of MSG. Not everyone who uses MSG experiences these problems, although the estimate is ¼ of the population.

MSG Links to Other Disorders

Another area of ​​concern is neurological disorders involving glutamic acid. Research has not indicated a causal effect, however, since glutamic acid is heavily involved in these disorders, the likelihood that MSG could alter a person’s brain chemistry and play a role in them presents a potential danger. These disorders include conditions such as addictions, stroke, epilepsy, brain trauma, multiple sclerosis, AIDS dementia, schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression. Glutamic acid also plays an important role in dementia-related degenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Given the severity of these disorders, anything that increases the likelihood of their occurrence is cause for concern.

Some researchers have found links between MSG use and diabetes, migraines and headaches, autism, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s. Since these disorders are a concern for many people today, a more detailed examination of the role of MSG is needed. MSG is also used in some vaccines to keep them stabilized or ‘live’.

In addition to vaccines, MSG or free glutamic acid has also been used in the growth enhancer known as AuxiGro. This growth enhancer was approved for use in 1998. This growth enhancer has been used on yams, potatoes, and onions to achieve larger yields.

MSG by any other name

Although many foods and restaurants use MSG in their products, some do not. Asian restaurant Pei Wei advertises that it does not add monosodium glutamate to its products. Hamburger chain Whataburger has a website that identifies which of its foods contain MSG so savvy consumers can avoid the substance. Some restaurants know that one effect of MSG is that consumers tend to buy more food and find it tastier.

MSG is not always easy to identify. Some companies use alternate names for MSG. Knowing some of the other names for MSG is critical to knowing which products to avoid. There are 25+ other names for MSG. Some of these names include:


Glutamic acid


monosodium glutamate

calcium caseinate

textured protein

monopotassium glutamate

Sodium caseinate

yeast nutrient

yeast extract

yeast food

autolyzed yeast

Hydrolyzed protein (any protein that is hydrolyzed)

hydrolyzed corn gluten

Sodium glutamate (natrium is Latin/German for sodium)

If MSG was just a flavor enhancer, that’s one thing. Research shows that it not only improves taste, but also affects the brain and nervous system.

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