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Muscle Building Workout Routine: Why Less Is More When It Comes To Building Muscle The Right Way

The importance of a good and appropriate muscle building training routine when trying to build lean muscle in a healthy way is enormous. It’s all too easy for beginners to succumb to the common misconception that more is… well, more! It is very common to see beginning bodybuilders frequently overdo it and this can cause long term muscle damage at worst and at best will hinder progress towards achieving your fitness and muscle building goals.

As such, a well planned muscle building exercise routine cannot be underestimated. While each muscle-building workout routine will be different depending on the person and their time commitments elsewhere, some common rules should be kept.

– Try to exercise at least 3 times a week.

– Try, as much as possible, especially when you are just beginning your muscle building program, to leave a day without weight training between each training day.

– Keep in mind that the goal of any exercise session is to exhaust the muscles. This also means that the muscles need time to relax, repair and recover before embarking on the regimen again.

– Alternate muscle groups each day. One day, for example, do exercises that target your lower body, then spend a day on cardio, and then another day on your upper body. This maximizes the recovery time for each of your muscle groups between sessions.

– Allow yourself enough sleep! Yes, it seems strange to include it in an article about exercise, but you will be surprised how much more you gain if you are well rested. An exercise program carried out by someone who does not get enough rest will be less effective than one carried out by someone who gets enough and good sleep.

Look online for programs that you can use to model your own. And remember, you don’t need an expensive personal trainer to design these programs for you. All the information you may need is at your fingertips.

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