Health Fitness

Muscle Maximizer – The Seven Major Body Types

Most people have only heard of three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. But according to Kyle Leon, creator of The Muscle Maximizer, there are four other body types that fall in the top three on the body type spectrum. They are: ecto-mesomorph, meso-ectomorph, meso-endomorph and endo-mesomorph. In this article we are going to take a look at the seven body types.


Ectomorphs are long and lanky. They have thin bones, a narrow frame, and lean muscles. Because they have such a high metabolism, they find it difficult to gain weight. On the one hand, it is a blessing because they burn fat very easily. On the other hand, it’s a curse because they have a hard time building real muscle without supplements. He had an ectomorph friend in college who constantly lifted weights to get “slick,” but was still as skinny as ever because he didn’t eat enough.


Mesomorphs are slightly shorter and have thick bones, a wider frame, and large muscles. This body type is ideal for weightlifters. The only drawback is that they put on weight more easily, so if they don’t control their calories they will have a layer of fat covering their big muscles. That’s why they need to do some cardio in addition to lifting weights.


Endormorphs are even shorter and have large bones, large arms, and large legs. They are often called “short and stocky”. Due to their slow metabolism, they tend to gain weight very easily. That’s why it’s important for them to get plenty of cardiovascular exercise and make sure a large portion of their calories come from protein.


Basically, these people are ectomorphs but with some mesomorphic tendencies. They are tall and skinny with a high metabolism, but can still build a good amount of muscle. Like ectomorphs, they will need to take supplements to help them gain muscle, but they shouldn’t have as much trouble doing so as full ectomorphs.


These people, on the other hand, or mesomorphs with some ectomorphic tendencies. They are shorter with thicker bones, but have a harder time building muscle than full mesomorphs. Because they put on weight more easily, they should watch their caloric intake.


These are mesomorphs with some endomorphic tendencies. They gain muscle and fat very easily, but it is harder for them to lose fat than mesomorphs. Usually these are the guys in the gym who, despite their big guts, are lifting an insane amount of weight. For them, it is essential not to consume too many carbohydrates.


And last but not least, there are the endo-mesomorphs. They are endomorphs with mesomorphic tendencies. That means they are smooth and round, but they don’t have as large a gut as endomorphs. They have no problem gaining weight, but they do have to do cardio to keep most of that weight from being fat.

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