
New garden tool needed to help move small amounts of water

Water is a precious commodity even when it is raining and torrential outside. Tell me this, have you ever had to add water to your pool because evaporation had taken out too much? You’re not alone, and it’s amazing how much water evaporates over time, even in something as small as a hot tub. Still, it’s amazing how much water we inadvertently waste, water that we shouldn’t be wasting at all. For example, consider how much water comes out of your house when it rains, or how much water you spend doing something simple like washing one of your cars.

I would like to propose a new garden tool, one that would help move water quite easily from one place to another inside a hose. The system could be placed between two hoses in a “T” shape. On the “T” there would be a handle with a pump. This would cause water to suck forward from one hose to the other. If you had a 55 gallon drum sitting on the ground below the downspout of the rain gutter on the side of your house, then you could put a hose on the barrel and connect the other end to your “tee” pump and start to pump. pump like a bicycle pump which would siphon the water to that point, and into the secondary hose.

Once the water started flowing, you can put it in your pool to refill with water, or in a bucket to help you wash the car, or even in a small lawn spray type soaker hose. How much could we charge for such a small garden tool? I think people would buy one of these for $19.95 and would gladly buy it at an Ace Hardware store, Home Depot, or Lowe’s. Or maybe they’d like the novelty of everything and buy it online, or on one of those TV shows, you know; “But if you order today, you could get free Ginsu knives, plus shipping and handling.”

Such a simple tool would get people thinking about ways they could save water or move unused water that has accumulated to other places, like potted plants. There is no reason to waste water, and such a simple garden tool, such a simple piece of garden equipment would be just what you need. In fact, if you have similar ideas and innovations, I’d sure like to talk. Perhaps you could consider this innovation and a way to design it to work efficiently. Think about it.

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