
Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem

I recently saw a program on television. It was a talk show with Tyra Banks as the host. The unfortunate subject was an obese teenage girl. That is being politically correct. She was FAT. The question? The young woman had a bad relationship with her mother and Tyra Banks was going to help them fix things. All her life, the young woman said, she had had a problem with her weight and her mother was making things very difficult for her. When she was a child, her mother restricted her food intake. Her hungry, she would be forced to raid the refrigerator at night just to satisfy her hunger. Things got worse when her mother resorted to padlocking the refrigerator at night. She had to eat different food than her brothers, who were all skinny. All of that had depressed her, giving her low self-esteem. She felt that her thin mother and her other thin siblings were teasing her for being fat, because she had a different father. The problem? Her mother.

Tyra then interviewed the mother. She admitted that perhaps her methods had been harsh, but that she was only worried about the girl. And no, she never felt that she loved the girl less just because she and her father had separated.

The result? The problem was the mother. She had been judgmental, not accepting the girl for who she is. After all, her father was on the big side. It wasn’t her fault. Tyra felt that they should kiss and make up. She told the girl that she was beautiful and that she would never let anyone tell her otherwise.

So what’s wrong with the whole story? For me, the girl was FAT. She really was. She must have had a BMI of 33. While I agree that the mother may have been a bit over the top with her methods, she was not wrong in trying to get the child to lose weight.

Most people associate fatness as a social and cultural problem. Being thin is the new beauty, being fat is ugly. Unfortunately, being fat isn’t just a cosmetic problem. It is associated with a host of medical problems. I will list a few here.

heart disease


Type 2 diabetes

High cholesterol. Abnormal levels of these fats in the blood are a risk for heart disease.

Certain Cancers.


Sleep apnea

reproductive problems


The poor girl was a walking health hazard. Yes, she shouldn’t have to put up with extreme methods to control her food intake. Yes, her self-esteem should have been built up, not lowered. But she can’t be allowed to stay the way she is. People in the developed world are getting bigger and bigger every year.

There are some medical conditions associated with obesity, for example. low thyroid function, certain medications, polycystic ovarian syndrome. Doctors will be able to determine if the obesity is secondary to an underlying problem.

But for most people, their main problem is simple: they eat too much. They have eaten more than their bodies can burn, and over time, that leads to weight gain. Other causes include physical inactivity. Many people are not very physically active. They spend hours in front of televisions and computers doing work, homework, and leisure activities. In fact, more than 2 hours a day of regular TV viewing has been linked to being overweight and obese.

Any other reason for inactivity? Relying on cars instead of walking to places, less physical demands at work or home due to modern technology and other conveniences. Inactive people are more likely to gain weight because they don’t burn the calories they get from food and drink.

The environment does not always help. The lack of neighborhood sidewalks and safe places for recreation, the lack of affordable parks, trails, sidewalks and gyms in the area make it difficult for people to stay physically active. Long work hours leave people with no time to be physically active. Oversized food portions. means too much energy in. Over time, this will lead to weight gain if not balanced by physical activity. The lack of eating healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, coupled with food advertising from food companies, makes matters worse. Children are often targeted by advertisements for sugary snacks and drinks that are high in calories and fat. The goal of these ads is to persuade people to buy these high-calorie foods, and often they do.

Unfortunately, genes and family history play a separate role. The unfortunate girl at the beginning of this article blamed her father for her. Her mother and her brothers were all thin because they came from a thin father. There is a certain amount of truth in that. Studies on identical twins raised separately have shown this. However, if a family adopts healthy eating and physical activity habits, the likelihood that the child will be overweight or obese is reduced.

Emotional factors also play apart. Some people eat more than usual when they are bored, angry, or stressed. Over time, overeating will lead to weight gain and can cause overweight or obesity. Perhaps our child was in emotional distress as a result of her mother’s misguided attempts to control her weight.

Whatever the reason, the sad truth is that obesity will increase your health risks.

The first step is to set the correct weight loss goals to lose and maintain weight. By just losing 5 to 10 percent of your current weight over 6 months, you’ll reduce your risk of heart disease and other conditions. The best way to lose weight is slowly. A weight loss of 1 kg per week is feasible, safe, and will help you keep the weight off. It will also give you time to make new, healthy lifestyle changes.

To be successful in long-term weight loss, lifestyle changes must be made. Focus on calorie intake from food and drink and the amount of physical activity per day. Over time, these changes will become part of everyday life.

So, the main steps?

1. Eat right.

A diet low in total, saturated, and trans fats; cholesterol; and sodium (salt) will help reduce the risk of heart disease. Cutting back on added fats and sugars can also help you eat fewer calories and lose weight. Examples include:

Fat-free or low-fat milk and dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt, cheese, and milk.

Lean meat, fish, poultry, cooked beans and peas.

Whole grain foods like whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice. Other grain foods such as pasta, cereal, bagels, bread, tortillas, couscous, and crackers.

Fruits, which can be canned (in juice or water), fresh, frozen, or dried.

Vegetables, which can be canned (without salt), fresh, frozen, or dried.

Canola or olive oils and soft margarines made with these oils are heart healthy. They should be used in small amounts because they are high in calories.

Do not eat: Foods high in saturated and trans fats and cholesterol. Saturated fat is found mainly in:

Fatty cuts of meat such as ground beef, sausage, and processed meats such as bologna, hot dogs, and luncheon meats

birds with fur

High-fat milk and dairy products such as whole milk cheeses, whole milk, cream, butter, and ice cream

Lard, coconut and palm oils found in many processed foods.

Trans fats are mainly found in:

Foods with partially hydrogenated oils such as many hard margarines and shortening

Baked goods and snacks like crackers, cookies, donuts, and breads

Foods fried in shortening such as French fries and chicken.

Cholesterol is found mainly in:

egg yolks

Organ meats like liver


Whole milk or whole milk products, including butter, cream, and cheese

Limit foods and beverages with added sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup, as found in many desserts, canned fruit in syrup, fruit drinks, and non-diet beverages. Check the Nutrition Facts label on food packages for added sugars like high fructose corn syrup. Alcoholic beverages will also add calories, so it’s a good idea to watch your alcohol intake.

2. Eat less!

Reducing your portion sizes is a good way to help you eat fewer calories.

3. Get active!

This will help burn calories. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity at least 3 days a week.

If you are obese, or if you have not been active in the past, start physical activity slowly and gradually increase the intensity. Try to do more “daily” activities, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator and doing chores around the house and yard. Then progress to walking, biking, or swimming at a slow pace. Gradually increase the amount of time you exercise or the intensity level of the activity.

A daily brisk walk is an easy way to be more active and improve your health. Wear a pedometer to count your daily steps and keep track of how far you walk. Try to increase the number of steps you take each day.

Other examples of moderate-intensity physical activity include dancing, bicycling, gardening, and swimming.

For those who still can’t achieve significant weight loss despite all of these measures, doctors may prescribe weight-loss medications such as sibutramine or orlistat. More drastic options, such as weight loss surgery, may be needed for people who are extremely obese (BMI of 40 or more) when other treatments have failed or those who have life-threatening conditions as a result of their obesity.

In short, obesity is NOT simply a cosmetic problem. It is a medical condition with associated health risks. Prevention is the best. And this can be done by eating sensibly and staying active.

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