Health Fitness

Reflections on 2020

Surely many of us start this year toasting the new decade, excited and full of hope. This was to be ‘our time’, full of promise and potential. Well, that certainly didn’t work as expected!

And so, when for many of us everything has been closed or only available with limited and restricted access, it’s over for us. Not unlike a layoff, an unexpected break in a relationship, a serious health situation that occurs. Those situations where your only choice is how you handle what’s thrown your way.

What are your thoughts on this year?


At the beginning of 2020, I guess many of us measure success in terms of results, accolades, promotions, profits. Yes, even now, winning and achieving are still important, but they have less meaning as other things have taken center stage in our lives.

During a year where most of us have been discouraged from leaving our homes, there have been very limited options for working, shopping and socializing outside of our homes. Much has been transferred online. Taking the time to stop and smell the coffee when we’ve been restricted to our four walls has meant we can’t do anything or find alternative ways to live well. It has led us to look at our lives in different ways.

For many our priorities have been changed. Valuing the relationships we have, our health and the health of those close to us, the human contacts we have, the importance of our homes has taken the place of things that perhaps we valued most before.


As we reflect on 2020, we may discover that many of the things that used to make us happy are less important. A day of shopping may once have been a delight, but it’s not so pleasant when practicalities mean going it alone, no browsing or trying on, one-way systems in stores, and only being offered one shoe to try on.

Other things have been found to bring more joy and pleasure to life. Sharing recipes and baking, seeing family and friends, walking in the country or on the beach are all things that now feel meaningful and spiritual, grounding us and bringing us fulfillment.


Our relationships have been subject to serious scrutiny this year as we live much closer than we ever anticipated. Valuing our nearest and dearest has been a top priority, though some relationships have been swamped due to a lack of space, patience, and privacy.

It has not been an easy time, with new ways of navigating coexistence and finding ways to respect the need for work, play and quiet personal time, while trying to be mindful and supportive should dark times arise.

For those of us who cannot see our children, grandchildren, vulnerable family members, the elderly, or people with underlying health conditions, these months have been especially hard.

We have discovered who our true friends are, the people we have kept in touch through phone calls, zoom, or reflective cards. Neighbors and local support groups have been greatly appreciated, keeping in touch and delivering food to those who have been struggling or in need.

work and money

Many of us have found that even though we have been earning much less, our finances have been made easier by our inability to spend as usual. Without lazy shopping sprees, cookouts or holidays, we’ve been able to cut back. Finding ways to cut spending has been an eye opener.

Work for some has been problematic, accommodating working from home alongside children and family members, plus fears about what the future holds. Certainly staying afloat has been the immediate concern, rather than fighting for promotion, even though some companies have thrived by being in the right niche or taking a flexible business approach.

Perhaps we’ve realized that our fast-paced work is less appealing than it once was, and that working from home is a less stressful and more comfortable way to work. A survey found that 9/10 who have worked from home during lockdown would like to continue doing so.

Also, many of us may have found alternative ways to get what we need, trading surplus food with neighbors or doing favors for each other instead of hiring someone to do those jobs.

Personal time

Mental health has been in the spotlight this year, due to the great impact of the events. We have all had the opportunity to reflect on our lives, our future, the things of value to us. Having some personal time away from these thoughts has been important, especially for those cooped up together in busy shared houses.

Taking time to exercise, to go for a walk, run or bike ride in nature, has been a lifesaver for many. Or making time to read, enjoying a quiet bath, taking up a hobby, doing something creative has made baking especially popular, as have revisiting hobbies like painting, gardening, and creative interests.

Escapism and a break from home and other people have been important in providing space and time away from the brooding, overwhelm and stress of these uncertain times.


Being thankful for things we’ve never really reflected on has been a very special outcome of this year. Our healthcare providers, farmers, food providers, teachers, delivery people, even the weather, the special people in our lives, our pets. And also respecting ourselves, our resilience, resourcefulness, and ability to stay positive (in general!) and keep going.

What a year it has been!

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